Fired Up Mission

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December 17th,

It was sunrise in Adventure Bay and everyone was either still sleep or just waking up.

At the Lookout, Chase was doing his rounds and waking the pups up. He was at Rubble's pup house, trying to wake him up and he got an idea.

He took out his mega phone from his pup pack and spoke clearly but loudly "WAKE UP RUBBLE! BREAKFAST IS READY!" the loud sound coming from Chase made Rubble shot up, wide awake and a little shaken up.

"I'm up! I'm up!" Rubble repeated

"C'mon Rubble, don't wanna miss breakfast do ya?" Chase said making Rubble speed pass him, into the Lookout.

Chase chuckled and shook his head "That bulldog will never last without food"

Chase looked at the last pup house. He knew he still had to wake that pup up but was wondering if he was alright from yesterday's 'energy boost'.

He hesitated a bit but then walked to Marshall's pup house and knocked gently.

"Marshall, its time to get up and eat breakfast" Chase spoke softly

Chase heard a groan and step back a little as the red fire door open revealing a very tired dalmation. Chase was shocked and a little scared at what he saw.

There, right infront of him was Marshall with dark circles under his eyes, his eyes were red and his claws were out and were as sharp as a nail.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHH" Chase screamed and ran straight into the Lookout leaving a confused Marshall outside.

Chase ran up to Ryder and the pups and hid behind Ryder's leg.

"What's the matter Chase? Are you alright" asked a confused and concerned Ryder as he bent down and petted Chase's head.

"I-its M-M-Marshall" Chase said shakenly

"What about Marshall..." Ryder trailed off when he and the rest of the pups saw the doors to the Lookout open and revealed Marshall jogging slowly in.

Everyone widened their eyes as they saw Marshall walk by them, who went to his breakfast and began to eat.

Everest walked up to Marshall and put a paw on his shoulder "Um... Marshall, are you alright? Do you feel ok?" she asked with worry

Marshall looked at her and the passed her shoulder to see concerned and worried faces of his friends then back to Everest with the most worried face she has ever had, ever.

Marshall smiled, shook his body, rubbed his eyes and pulled his claws back. He was now looking very normal to everyone's relief.

"Yup! I'm fine, just had to wake up a little" Marshall finally spoke

Marshall walked to Chase and licked his cheek friendly "Sorry I scared you Chase, I just didn't have time to wake up fully and that's why I looked like that" Marshall said and put his ears down sadly

Chase went to Marshall and licked his cheek friendly back "Its alright Marshall, just let me know next time" Chase said and smiled at Marshall

Marshall perked up happily, wagging his tail "Okie dokie Chase" Marshall smiled goffly making everyone chuckle

Time Skip
The pups were now playing around in the backyard while Ryder was in the Lookout playing video games when he got a call.

"Hello, Ryder here" Ryder answered

"Ryder! I need your help! The wind started blowing and pole knock into one of the house's downtown and now its is on fire!" Mayor Goodway yelled

Ryder gasped "Oh no! We're on our way! No job is to big, no pup is to small"

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