Jane the Killer

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Your hand moved around the crowded hat with a little sigh only to make a disgusted face touching something rather jelly.Bringing the thing out, your eyes wide in shock seeing something red drip down the length of your arm. Its strawberry jelly! Someone chirped from behind you, making you twirl around and wide your eyes seeing Jane there. Her usual poker face on before a wide smile broke onto her lips once she knew you guys were stuck into the closet for seven minutes. Maybe more if she begged Slender?

Sending a little forced smile back you followed after the female and walk after a skipping Jane that cheered once you two were enveloped in darkness making you rather worried about either your sanity, body or the fact you were locked into a closet with a female Jeff version.

So, whats your name stranger? Jane asked while sitting in front of you and smile at your face while your eyes still adjusted to the darkness around you.I-uhh(Name) and you are Jane, right? Its nice to finally meet you. Shaking the females hand, you stopped feeling something cold brush against the one that was still covered in jelly. And soon you found out that it was Janes tongue. Also, that was probably why she refused to answer to you.

Shivering, you backed more into the wall, not trying to let out any sounds at how Jane sucked and nipped at your fingers but it sure did stir you up to the core of your stomach. Shifting, your thighs found themselves caged to the floor. Was those knives holding your pants to the floor? You werent even sure what was going on but the temperature was getting either too high or too cold for you like because goosebumps formed along your skin.(Name)I like the echo of that nameIt fits you, honey. Jane whispered only to come closer to you face, you could make out black lip stick stains on your hand but you ignored it and blink in surprise once Jane connected your lips together.

Moaning, you gulped nervously feeling her tongue stroke your lower lip before it creeped into your mouth and twirl around with your tongue, sucking on it which made you moan and accidentally grab her breasts, giving them a tight squeeze. Oops, you forgot she was a female and you were one too.

Jane let out a sudden growl making you stare at her black eyes with a rather worried one only to shriek and grab the back of her luscious black locks, tugging on them while she kept on chewing and nibbling at your neck, enough to leave a mark and make BEN or Jeff back the fuck off you.

Her hands moved to rub up your thighs, taking the knives with her and right when she was about to cut your shirt open Splendor opened the door and squeal like a little child finding Jane on top of you, with your pants halfway done, black lip stick marks all over your body, your cheeks flustered and your plump lips red from all the sucking and biting they had.

Someone had fuuuun~~ Slendor cheered while Jane grabbed your wrist and place a kiss to it, winking at you and wrap a hand around your shoulders while making you sit next to her for the rest of the game. And you were pretty much forced to get embarrassed with Janes constant touching whenever any of the pasta guys looked in your way.

Creepypasta: All Characters x Reader (One Shots); Seven Minutes in HellWhere stories live. Discover now