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You looked down at the black invitation you just got in your mail box this day. Your (Best friend) told you that maybe you were stalked. Laughing at her, you just shook your head.

Anyway, here you are in front of a huge red and black mansion, in the middle of the woods. Fixing your clothes again, you knocked on the door. Only to have it open by a man in a black suit without a face.

Widing your eyes a little, you showed him the invitation, and he nodded at you, motioning for you to enter the house. Inside there were various creepypasta members, some of them stopped whatever they were doing to look at you and whisper among themselves. While others just looked at you for some seconds and continue with what they were doing before.

So whats your name, my child? Slenderman asked looking you up and down. You rised an eyebrow at him and shook your head, giving him a little smile Im (Name). Nice to finally meet you Slendermanand the uhh..other creepypasta members.

I LIKE HER! somebody shouted from the TV area and then you heard an Ouch! What the fuck man?. Mentally rolling your eyes, you must have guessed you heard BEN Drowned saying that.

Well seeing that you are finally here miss (Name), why dont you go first for our game of seven minutes in heaven? Slender asked, pushing a hat in front of your face. "Ehsure?...." you whispered, looking around the room one more time and diving your hand inside the hat.

Lets see who you gonna get, sweetheart~

Creepypasta: All Characters x Reader (One Shots); Seven Minutes in HellWhere stories live. Discover now