Eyeless Jack

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Your fingers moved inside the hat and wince once in a while feeling sharp stuffs and other objects. You wrapped your fingers around something smooth and get out a black glove, tilting your head and examin it. "Uh...who's is this?" you asked, rising the object for everyone to see.

Slender rubbed his chin and turn to look at the young proxies, stomping his foot and giving them glares with his non existent eyes. "Who's going inside with miss (Name)?"he asked and you shivered a little rubbing your arms. He scared you so damn much with that raspy and old man voice.

"Jack is the one she got."Jane smiled a little pushing the said boy in front of the crowd and laugh at his nervous expression. "He also said,he was too scared to come because he thinks (Name) is hot."rubbing her cheek a little Jane blow you a kiss while you shook your head. That girl would make a great couple with Jeff that's for sure. Their hobby of mocking others was a perfect mix and if they would get together, you were sure you didn't want to be all alone with them.

"Ok you two up in the closet you go~"Splendy pushed you two in using his tentacles making you a little embarrassed too. Plus you were in a closet with Eyeless Jack. He would kill you by now and nobody would find your body.

You two stood next to each other and you couldn't stop wondering, how the hell he looked under that damn mask?Rubbing your left cheek, you turned on your side and face him. Jack looked back at you, tilting his head on a side making him look like a lost puppy. 'Damn..he is so cute...' you thought biting your lower lip and move your hand closer to his face, rubbing his mask's cheek."It's ok if i get it off?"Jack wided his eyes under his mask and keep on staring at you making you shift a little uncomfortable in your seat.

His gaze was so damn...intense. It made your blood boil and you liked it so damn much. Leaning closer, you slipped your fingers under his mask and tug it harshly breaking the band holding it together. "(Na)-(Name) don't-!" Jack trailed,but it was too late, the mask dropped to the floor and you blinked at him .He...he looked so freaking handsome! With deep brown hair and crystal blue eyes. Why would he hide such a pretty face?

Licking your lips, you leaned closer to him and bit his ear playfully, growling a little when you felt him shift and move you to sit on his lap. Smooth move Jack, smooth move. Grinning your wrapped your arms around his neck and move closer to him, smashing your lips to his in a hungry kiss.

What surprised you was that he responded back with such force and passion that almost made you melt in his hands. He licked your bottom lip asking for entrance which you grand and let him explore your wet cavern, moaning when he licked the roof of your mouth. Your hands moved to rub his chest under his hood and shiver a little when you heard his groans. Man you wished you could video tape this moment.

Jack moved away from your mouth giving your lips one last lick and move to bit your neck finding your sweet spot right in that moment. You felt like he had been stalking you, not that you minded at all. Hey the boy was hot, ok? And you had liked him being the first one you read about from creepypasta wiki. His story made your skin have goosebumps and you didn't feel secure at night for some weeks.

You shivered a little when you felt his hand going under your shirt and lifting it up in his path, rubbing and feeling the soft skin under it. "Ja-Jack we don't have much time!"the brown haired boy lifted his head and look at you with those deep crystal blue eyes, you simply adored. His tongue was sticking between his lips and you only had one thing in your mind 'hot damn gorgeous'.

"I am opening the door, you better be damn decent or hell is going down kids."Slender replied harshly, opening the door and making you jump in surprise, grabbing Jack closer to you, cuddling in his chest. "Awww they are so cute. Give them a break old man."Jane said laughing at Slender and run out the door chased by him. You stood up with Jack's help and grab his hand walking upstairs to finish some...eh...stuffs.

He didn't eat your organs,but he did eat something else.Oh and that caused a lots of curses to be heard in the house that night.

Creepypasta: All Characters x Reader (One Shots); Seven Minutes in HellWhere stories live. Discover now