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Requested by and dedicated to: Shannon1300

Aaliyah's POV

"Mom he still isn't talking to me." I say I plop down on a stool at the kitchen counter.

"Well honey he's upset and I can't force him to talk to anyone is he's not ready." My mom says and I sigh.

I rest the right side of my face in my hand and look at her as she washes the dishes.

"It's not completely my fault that he got grounded." I say trying to defend myself.

"Aaliyah you ripped Leo's arm off." She says and I make a face.

"It's not like I meant to! Shawn didn't have to freak out like that and try to freakin fight me!" I say slightly raising my voice.

My mom just gives me that 'watch your tone' look and I sink my head back onto my hands.

"All I'm saying is that you better find a way to fix things." My mom says.

"How? He won't come out of his room and he won't let anyone in." I say.

"Are you sure about that?" She asks me before walking away.

Then it clicks. Shawn will let only one person in right now.


I get out my phone and quickly call her.

Your POV

I'm in my room right now unpacking my bags because me and my family just got back from a vacation.

We had to come back two days early because my mom got really sick. 

I'm putting my clothes away when my phone starts ringing.

"Hey Aaliyah" I say when I answer the phone.

I hold my cell phone between my shoulder and ear as I continue unpacking.

"Hey. I was wondering if you could do me like a huge favor." She says.

"I just got back home so yeah." I say.

"Oh yeah I forgot you were out of town." 

"So what do you need?" I ask her.

"I need you to come over and talk to Shawn." 

"Why? What's wrong?" I ask her and I'm a bit worried.

"I may or may not have accidentally ripped Leo's arm off." 

When she says this I don't know how to react.

She explains to me everything that happened and I get why she wants me to talk to him.

"Okay well I'll be there in like ten minutes." I say.

"Okay thank you. Oh does he know you're home early?" She asks me.

"No actually. I never got a chance to tell him." 

"That will be great! Seeing you early will make him happy." She says and I smile.

"Okay well I'll see you soon." I say and with that our conversation ended.

After unpacking, I drove over to Shawns house. I knock on the door and Karen comes to answer.

"Y/n! So nice to see you. Looks like Aaliyah took my advice." She says and I smile as she lets me in.

"Yeah she told me everything so I'm here to talk to him. Is he in his room?" I ask as I slide of my shoes at the door.

"Yes. He hasn't come out. He only lets me in to bring him food." Karen says and I nod.

"Okay, well wish me luck." I say as I walk up the stairs.

I walk down the hall and slightly knock on Shawns door.

"I don't want to talk to you so go away!" I hear Shawn say.

I open the door and peek my head in.

"That's not a very nice way to greet your girlfriend." I say and his face lights up.

"Y/n! You're back early." He says and takes me into his warm embrace.

"Yeah well my mom got sick so here I am." I say and smile.

He looks at my face for a moment before kissing my lips.

When we pull away and I wrap my arms around his neck and he still has his around my waist.

"So do you want to tell me about what happened with Aaliyah?" I ask him and he sighs.

"She already told you didn't she?" He asks me and I nod.

"Yes." I say and let's go of me and looks around his room.

He grabs Leo from the night stand along with his detached arm.

"This. This is what she did." He says and I take the stuffed lion and his arm in my hand.

"You know I could easily sew this back on right? You wouldn't even be able to tell his arm was ever taken off." I say.

"I didn't even think about that." He says.

"So why haven't you come out of your room?" I ask and sit down in his desk chair.

"I just haven't wanted to talk to anyone." He says and shrugs.

"Well how do you expect things to get fixed if you don't talk to anyone?" I ask him.

"I guess you have a point. I was just so mad, but I did kind of overreact." 

"Shawn I love you, but sometimes you are a drama queen." I say and he laughs.

He comes over and grabs the back of he desk chair pulling me closer to him. He leans down so that we are face to face and he smiles.

"I love you too." He says and kisses my lips.

"So you're going to come out of your room?" I ask him and he lets out a breath.

"Yeah I guess so." He says and then cracks a smile.

"Come on you big baby." I say and take his hand as we walk out of the room.

We go downstairs to where eveyone is in the kitchen.

"Um Can I talk to you guys?" Shawn asks and eveyone looks up at him a bit surprised to see him.

"Yeah sure." Manny says and looks at Shawn with his arms crossed.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted. I apologize to eveyone because I overreacted and did and said things that I shouldn't have. It won't happen again." Shawn says and his mom and sister smile.

"Sorry about Leo. I really didn't mean to do it." She says and hugs him. He hugs her back and pats her head a little.

"I know." He says and smiles at me.

"Thank you." Karen comes and whispers in my ear.

 "No problem." I say and smile.

"Shawn you better marry this girl." Manny says and pats him on the back.

"I will some day. I will." 

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