Coffee House Girl

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Requested by and dedicated to: Shannon1300


Shawns POV

"Hey do you wanna come hang at my place for a bit?" Geoff asks me as we walk out of the studio here in Toronto.

"Uh I can't actually." I say and scratch the back of my head.

"Why not?" He asks me suspiciously.

"I have plans." I say and shrug. He stops walking and gives me a look.

"Plans at the coffee house again eh?" He says with a dumb smirk on his face.

"I'm just going for the coffee." I say but he doesn't believe me. It's a lie anyways and he knows it.

"Sure. Just the coffee and not the coffee house girl?" He asks me.

"Maybe." I say and smile and we continue to walk to our cars.

"Dude you've been head over heels for this girl for the longest. Just make your move already." I look at Geoff when he says this and I think for a moment.

"I will." I say and he smiles. He pats my back and nods.

"Good luck dude. See you later." He says. 

I get in my Jeep and drive all the way to the Coffee house. I park my car in the back as always so that no one sees me. 

I go through the back entrance with my sunglasses and hoodie on to try and hide my face.

I walk up to the counter and see her.

Her beautiful hair is tied up into a ponytail yet a few strands fall loose in her face.

Her cheeks are like roses and she has a warm smile on her face as she serves customers.

I hear her laugh as she turns around and comes my way. I love her laugh.

"Hi I'm Y/n. What can I get you?" She asks me without looking up from her order pad.

"The usual." I say and she looks at me and immediately recognizes me. A smile grows on her face and she puts her order slips away in her apron.

"Come on. Your table in the back is ready." She says and I follow her to the back room of the coffee house that is used for private events.

"I'll go make that drink and then take my break." She says and I smile and nod as I sit down.

I watch as she gracefully walks away and then disappears into the kitchen.

Okay Shawn. You're going to tell her today.

You love this girl. She's amazing in every way possible. Tell her you love her. It's as simple as that.

I keep going over in my head what I want to say to her. 

I've been coming to coffee shop for three months now. Y/n always sits me back here and takes her break so we can talk.

I still remember the first time I came in here and saw her.

Flash Back

"Yeah mom. I'll be there at six. I'm just getting some tea from a coffee house. Okay bye." I hang up the phone with my mom and slip it into my pocket.

I walk up to the counter with my dark sunglasses on along with my grey hoodie.

Today has been stressful and I really don't feel like getting surrounded by fans. I walk up to the counter after entering through the back entrance.

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