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Requested by and dedicated to: shawnieboyimagine


"How do I look?" I come out from getting changed and I do a spin to show off my dress.

"Beautiful. And tall." He says and comes and wraps his arms around me.

"Yeah these heels make me slightly taller than you don't they?" I say and look down at my shoes.

I'm a pretty tall girl already. I'm pretty much almost just as tall as Shawn, so in these heels it makes me a bit taller.

"Are you okay with this? I can get different shoes." I tell him but he shakes his head and smiles.

"It doesn't bother me at all." He says and then kisses my lips. 

"Okay let's go. VMA's here we come!" I say and take Shawns hand in mine and we leave for the red carpet.

We arrive and as soon as we step out of the car I hear fans go crazy. A few guards guided us onto the carpet and I adjusted my dress.

Shawn intertwines our fingers and we walk out into the carpet. Nick Jonas and Demi greeted us as we passed them.

We met lots of people and Shawn took pictures with lots of fans and did lots of interview. Now comes the part for Shawn to get his picture taken.

"Come on." Shawn says to me but I shake my head.

 "No you go ahead. This is your moment." I tell him and he smiles.

"Come on. You look beautiful and I want you with me." He says and I smile and take his hand.

There were lots of pictures taken and questions asked. Later we went inside and I went to be seated while Shawn went to get ready for his performance.

Me and Andrew were talking and some people came and greeted me every now and then.

Finally it was time for Shawn to come.

His performance of There's Nothing Holding Me Back was great. He tried to hit a high note and do a riff but I dint think it sounded like he expected and I could tell from his face.

The crowd didn't even notice though. He did amazing and eveyone loved it.

He goes off stage and they cut to a commercial break so eveyone starts talking to each other.

I get up and go backstage to Shawns dressing room.

"Hey babe." I say and he turns around and looks at me.

"Hey." He says and I smile. I don't really know if he wants to talk about it.

"You did great out there." I say and wrap my arms around him but he doesn't really hug me back.

He looks at me up and down and he seems bothered.

"What?" I ask him.

"I don't like the shoes anymore. I don't like you being taller." He backs up from me and I make a face.

"You said you were fine earlier." I say.

"Well I'm not anymore okay?! Things were different  earlier." He snaps at me and his voice is slightly raised.

"I'll take the damn shoes off okay?" I say and sit down on the couch.

"It's to late. Our picture has already been taken." He says and sighs. "Everything is just screwed up!" He yells and pushes over the empty clothing rack.

"Shawn!" I yell at him and he looks at me. His eyes start to water up and I can tell that this is definitely not about the shoes.

"Hey come here." I grab his hand and hold him close to me.

"I screwed up out there. I came in late on the sing and then I just screwed up the high note." He says and I rub his back.

"Shawn no even noticed. It was nothing. The crowed loved it and they were so into the song." I tell him in his ear.

"I'm sorry I acted like an ass. I was just worked up." He says and I look at him and smile.

"I know." I say and kiss his lips. "Feel better?" I ask him.

"Kind of, but maybe you should kiss me again." He says and I smile. I press my lips against his one last time.

"I really do like the shoes." Shawn says and I smile. 

"Me too, but my feet kind of hurt anyways so I might just carry them around for a bit." I say and he smiles and nods.

"Okay." He says and kisses me one more time.

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