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🌩All chapters will be around a thousand words, this is simply the preference shown when you click upon the book🌩

This story will of be Written in third point of view, in a way I used the ways of Hero's Of Olympus chapters as a preference of idea. Much like how one chapter may focus upon Percy and the next Annabeth. All rights go to Rock Roradan for creating these carecters, the bit going to me for the twist and for Makai Grace Blitz.

          ~The Son of Kronos has waken~

Not long after the war is over the gods rejoice, everyone around camp is rejoicing, Clarisse is sick of it yet on a day at camp she can't figure it out. Trembles have been coming through the ground day after day as time seems to move backwards or forwards quickly, it all seams a mystery. That is until Makai stumbles out of the woods, his Greek sandles caked in mud as his blue eyes searched for something, someone.

A god that has been forgotten has been woken, although who this god would be is off, power seems to radiate from the boys body yet he can't seem to figure the fact that his father is dead, for a god, who seems to be the age of fifteen. Living a tomb for over a thousand of years in Rome now popping into camp half-blood.

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