⛅️Chapter Five⛅️ Potato Blush And Ease Dropping

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Makai Grace Blitz
             The Sons of ρολόι
Chapter Five

Potato Blush And Ease Dropping

Drew ran.
She ran as fast as she could, the screaming could still be herd in her ears as adrenaline seemed to kick in. 'Oh please let this be a dream' her mind spoke yet at the moment she had a pause, a fear rose in her chest, what if her makeup was off.

She moved panelling out a tablet, one that had a mirror on the back with soft rinestones lacing round the trim, the mirror her softly until she could see her full face. Perfect in every way. She smiled, the screaming had stopped yet the path for the woods seemed not as clear.

Slowly Drew followed Harley's small footprints throgh the woods, she felt like Sherlock homes, oh how she hated thinking of that, for she was lovely and graceful and easily a second Queen Elizabeth, although with better hair, and prettier eyes.

The woods slowly seemed to fade and before Drew knew she was out of the clearing, the sounds of camp were dull though as though they had all dropped dead from seeing her gorgeousness.

Pausing she moved through the empty space, doors seemed to be locked, as the cabin windows were sealed shut from anything and everyone. Drew moved through the area, quickening her pace as she paused upon the big house, large amounts of commotion could be herd although was quoted after a few moments, she was sure Chiron and Mr. D were 'negotiating' about something again. Probably something about her, she smiled lightly at the thought although frowned then at what she herd.

The voice was soft, it was female though and Drew knew all the campers voices, this definitely wasn't one of them. She found herself puzzled for a moment before thinking maybe it was a Iris message, although then again it sounded as though she could hear more then one pair of feet shifting.

Pausing Drew thought for a moment, although she would never tell a soul she was doing so, in fact Drew was ease-dropping.

"- it is a threat to my land-" the voice spoke, it sounded like a soft voice yet one that could be easily seconded and turn completely opposite by what you said. Another voice then, one deeper that held concern, one that was easily noted as Chiron spoke. Drew knew his voice although mostly found that he was easily below her in the runnings of things, creating stupid ideas and sports games; like capture the flag and the Climbing tower.

Drew could practically feel the burning lava on her skin as she thought of the high skyscraper type. It reminded her of a humongous ugly piece of rock, just waiting to be crashed down. Although that thought was no use, for some people (Drew felt quite astounded when she asked others) likes the climbing tower. It made disgust fill in her stomach, like tasting cheep crab or uncooked shrimp.

She noted the thought although quickly looked back to the white double doors of the Big House, pressing her ear to the door and listening, yet again.

"-brought them to search" he girls voice rang again as Chirons voice spoke after "their are already campers searching the woods" he spoke lightly as a snort was herd from the inside, "we are here to find not care for campers" a girl spoke, her voice was deep with a Italian accent and Drew could picture her face being slightly tanned, free of bueatiful makeup making her look like a dry tall patato.

"Please thill be back soon" another voice spoke, it was Chiron's yet again and Drew had to lean her head closer to the door as her weight shifted. It sounded as though they were moving away from the door now, a scurrying of more then ten people found.

"What if they don't come back" the strong voice from the beginning spoke again as it turned to a whisper sound, the scuffing of feet growing faint.

"But they will-" Chiron's voice repeated again although sounded slightly worried. A thought occurred in Drew's mind that she didn't like, what if they were talking about her? And not in a good way.

Quickly she paused, she felt flustered and annoyed and all of a sudden the door swung open as though it had just lost its lock. Drew came tumbling into the door and what she saw was not something she liked.

For drew was now face to face with her least favourite goddes, Artemis.
I know this chapter was shorter and I feel awful for making it so. I hate to say although I simply love Drew that her sort on say Point Of View, frustrated me. I wrote this chapter over three times and finally came to the conclusion that I would be about a hundred letters off.

Good news though, I have already updated now twice this week and hope to make it three due to my winter vacation. I hope that you tell me what you think of Drew and remember to comment on any ideas you have❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2017 ⏰

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