🌥Chapter Four🌥 Gold Rain And Sandles

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Makai Grace Blitz
The Sons of ρολόι
Chapter Four

Gold Rain And Sandles

Harley didn't exactly know what exactly they did eye looking for, all he knew was that fun he was easily connected to it. He paused, the feeling of flipping cartwheels was a rather nice thought although should probably be kept to the Apollo children, them being good at sports and all.

He turned to Drew, her lipstick made her look practically ravishing although maybe a slight tint, like her lips were bleeding, maybe she was just dehydrate.

Harley didn't hear Piper's first words although all of a sudden he found himself being dragged by Leo to stand next to Drew. He remembered Leo being the 'run for girls' type, but I guess Drew was the opposite. "We move in teams" Piper spoke, her dark choppy hair slightly blowing in her face as a soft wind blew, the dark rain clouds around the camp moving round the circular borders. Harley had found himself staring at the clouds more then once, maybe it was just, well it easily was super cool. 

A shriek came from Drew's lips as the side of his shoulder connected with Drew's  forearm, what all harley had was a little oil grease on his fingers, nothing but. Well maybe a little car fuel, he had been tinkering a attempt at small macanical cars, he would call it 'Harley Davison' although, for some odd reason he felt as though that name had been used before.

Shrugging the thought he looked upwards, Leo and Piper had already disappeared although he could hear soft sounds of 'ahh my foot' and 'oh that's your head?'. Harley knew it was his brother Leo, for Leo always was so silly and joking, yet maybe a bit oblivious at times. Harley looked upwards to Drew, she seemed to be debating upon something, debating weather she could get away with something. She frowned though and moved quickly onto the path of the mucky woods, for some odd reason even though it rarely rained their were always mass puddles of mud in the forest. Maybe the worms liked it.

After a couple minutes Harley learned to just simply plug his ears from all noise, finding Drew's constant comments of whining of her new Heels how they would get ruined in this junk. Harley never thought of the woods as junk, speaking from Artemis's point of view he thought the woods as being a place to hide, a place filt with nature, and a place you could get lost upon.

Harley paused, he didn't have the courage to tell her to stop, yet if he did he would probably be whacking her atop the head and screaming his head of 'will you shut up', he smiled at the thought although instead of the words coming from his lips he paused a loud "ow" coming from his mouth. Turning he looked down to the gash in his arm, it was from a branch, one that could easily scratch your skin unless your in full concentration, yet below their lye something else, a liquid gold, not like velvita cheese much more different, with the smell of lavender floating from the spot. He paused moving to his knees, his finger slowly moving towards the spelling gold- "don't touch that"

Harley's trance like state was taken away from him as he quickly turned to Drew, her face held a sort of piece of disgust as she paused, Harley looking down to where the piece had been before although, instead of the pool of liquid he just found the ground, it was as though the earth were trying to hide whatever was hiding behind the trees.

A loud scream erupted from the woods, a girlish scream the seemed to eco through the distance. It sounded like Piper. Before he knew it Drew took off in the other detection dashing through the path that they had just gone through, no longer yelping about her shoes and hair now just running away.

Harley, too soon found himself alone, although the one pitch of, well Harley couldn't really tell it seemed piercing and high though. He paused, it was ether Drew or saving the people of, hmm he almost said a Battman phrase. Moving at a soft running speed he sprinted through the thorns of brambles moving quickly, his feet treaded deep small shoe steps in the mud, something that could easily be tracked backwards if needed to, for their no longer was rumbling, Harley realised that too late. "Ow-"

Harley said for the second time that day, twice to many then he wanted. "Harley" a girlish voice sounded, yet the screaming continued as a shocked Piper looked down to him, her hair still choppy yet a bit more rambled then before. Her dark Carmel eyes holding a sort of fear as she quickly grasped his hand.

"I- Piper?" Harley questioned her yet she quickly moved to run the other way of the screaming. The trees seemed to move inwards like spidery arms, trying to grasp you, it was as though it were trying to get you not to see something.

To soon they stopped, a large clearing fell, thick weeks promised to obscure as Harley stared at the sight. For in the middle of the clearing stood Leo, his curly hair seeming to stand strait like a Afro as his scream echoed, for in front of him stood a boy, only a few inches taller then Leo, though his chest was narrower, his eyes a green with tints of gold and his skin pale. His Carmel hair was held in a sort of 'Poneyboy Dallas style from the movie, ponyboy.

The boy wasn't screaming though, he just stood their, looking as though he were trying to figure what the boy was yelling about. His clothes were dark and looked as though they had oil stains, his blue jeans having twiddling holes and again, oil stains.

Harley then looked not just at the boy but at Leo too and realised the resemblance, for the two were wearing the same exact clothes, exact the boy missing Leo's tool belt and Leo missing the boys swooshy hair, their shoes too fit upon the boys feet held sandles, weaved sandles the Color of gold, soft writing to hard to make out from far away was shown, deeply embedded in Greek calligraphy.
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