🌥Chapter Two🌥 Metal Scraps And Pancake Gew

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Makai Grace Blitz
             The Sons of ρολόι
Chapter Two

Metal Scraps And Pancake Gew

Leo didn't know what was happening, all he knew was that his pipe cleaner helicopter wasn't even half way finished when someone nocked it out of his long tan fingers. "Hay-" he spoke his head whipping upwards, a furious glare dancing in his Latino eyes as he spotted the girl. Nyssa Barrera, he still wasn't sure if he liked his half sister.

Nyssa's hair was chopped short in a bob as her bangs seemed almost too short, it bothered Leo every time he saw her, for he practically wanted to pull them down to they would cover her shinny Jade eyes "come on" she spoke quickly after, her oil stained camp half-blood teeshirt being untucked and un-neat.

Leo stood although another tremor flowed causing him to say a loud "woo" as he grasped the Hephaestus table behind himself, laughing slightly he caught one of the Athena children staring at him although when they noticed his glance quickly turned back.

As the tremors slowed Leo paused, his frown was light as he tapped his foot on the ground 'maybe superman got in a fight with Percy?' His mind questioned although he quickly shook his head, looking towards table one, a shocked Jason standing tall as day in the centre of the pavilion.

Jason's hair was blonde, wisked to the back in a windswept sort of way as his storm cloud blue eyes paused, turning this way and that, doing the same thing Leo had done moments before, trying to figure where it had come from. Everyone was in the pavilion, at least Leo had thought he had counted correctly, then again Leo wasn't the best with numbers.

"Everyone back to their cabins" a loud voice boomed from the front, Chiron's normally cherry clown voice sounding slightly, well demanding. The cabin groups swiftly moved into lines, that is everyone but Jason, Percy, and Nico. 'The poor three, their practically loaners', Leo smiled at his insiders joke. Swiftly they moved from the pavilion, one by one groups making their way yet Leo couldn't come to a conclusion why a boy had orange in his hair, but man it looked like a wicked disaster.

Cabin 9 came all too soon, Leo marching into the cabin, well more like barn, the place looked as though it could hold a bunch of misalena parts to a John Deer tractor.  The drum of Leo's fingers against his stained jeans paused as he listened to the conch horn, it meant their wouldn't be a campfire tonight 'i had so been ready for the fluffy bunny challenge' Leo thought with a frown, mentally cursing the, ground? Whatever caused it sure had Chiron worried although then again- Leo shrugged forgetting what he was going to say.

Walking downwards through the room Leo found his haven, a large bed. It's platinum speakers practically begging to be turned into full blast, his mind smiling though as he quickly lay atop it, not caring that his jeans were filled with oil, not even caring that he had his shoes on, only caring about sleep and slumber.

Sleep did not come well,
Leo tossed and turned small trembles being noted every now and then, after a hour or so moving away although then coming nearer, the pound making his had hurt at the constant sort of say footstep motion. If only he knew what cabin was pulling this prank, he frowned at the thought.

As the sun rose Leo lay, snoring lightly as his dark curly hair fell over his sleepy eyes, the sound had stopped after two in the morning yet some still found it easy for sleep to be found, Leo found it insane over all the noise yet somehow some of them did so. The conk horn rang through his ears as he groaned, his ears feeling as though they were full of metal as bags hung underneath his eyes.

Walking outwards the cabin most looked the same as him, drowsy, annoyed and some practically being walking zombies. Leo chuckled at the thought 'walking Zombie's, yeah that's normal' he rolled his eyes softly before moving to a table and sitting downwards, his head softly hitting his sticky pancakes as he dreamed of making a air plane that would distory Stupid Mr. D, then again he was a god...

"Leo- Leo" the guys voice sounded slightly annoyed, Harley his normal bouncy self did not seem, well bouncy. His dark hair seemed to resemble much like Leo's although beings less curly and more as flat to his head, his eyes being the Jade Color Narssa's was yet his height about a inch or two shorter then Leo.

"We've got monster duty Leo" he spoke his bubbly voice coming back; but only just slightly. Harley was always excited for a challenge. "Hugh-?" Was all Leo could say before Harley quickly grabbed his shirt and pulled him from the pavilion, sticky pancake gee still falling from his tanned skin.
I would like to make clear that I just started the Hero's Of Olympus Series, I am about a quarter way into the first book so I am a bit new to 'The Chosen Seven'. Please understand and remember to comment below your thoughts❤️

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