🌥Chapter Three🌥 Blonde Hair And Violets

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Makai Grace Blitz
             The Sons of ρολόι
Chapter Three

Blonde hair and Violets

Piper wasn't sure why Leo was so annoying, he just always had been. Ever sense they met on that first day at wilderness. At times he seemed to lift her spirits although now, he was just annoying.

"Will you shut up already"  piper spoke, her voice slightly annoyed, Leo was rambling about tools and saying all of his stupid jokes, his face dripping sticky syrup, piper wondered how that had happened. He was pulling objects out of his tool belt and then placing it back inside, making, well piper couldn't really tell, all she knew was that she was sure that she wouldn't want to be battling him when it was finished.

The, thing, looked as though it were a sort of circular frisbee. Although made of whire and knives instead. Spikes from small pocket knives poked out of the sides with a small red lever on top. She was sure that when it was finished Leo would find some way o dazzle it up with tinsel or other products that would just enhance its silliness.

Leo's brother, Harley looked up to Piper with a frown, before moments later his giddy smile returned. A sucking sigh came from Pipers left as she looked to the right.

Drew stood their, her almond eyes and perfect Carmel loopy hair making her look like a living barbie doll. Somehow Her camp half blood tee-shirt and ripped jeans made it look as though this was a sort of new Gucci brand, something the models would wear on the runway.

The clang of swords was slowly getting louder as people moved out of the pavilion from breakfast although their were a certain 'few' who got the special provlage of looking for, something.

It had happened in the morning, the trembles had rang through the night, Piper remembered trying to convince the Hermes cabin to give her medication that would Make her sleep although, it was no good.

The sun had risen slowly that morning, Piper having bags under her eyes, she didn't care. She didn't need to hide the fact that she was tired and couldn't sleep, practically everyone looked that way, that is except Drew.

Piper was eating her French Toast, oh how she loved fresh Cinnamon covered baked toast. She practically sighed at the thought. Dipping her side strawberries into the whipped cream tea cup bowl, she should have known the the savour type of morning would end.

The trotting of hoves from some sort of animal was herd in the distance, although Piper was still thinking of eating strawberry's and cream. "You sure are loving that are you?" Silena spoke with a light chuckle, she was beautiful that was for sure.

Her tumbling black curls cascading about midway to her waist as her blue-brown eyes shown a sort of light amusement although quickly flickered back to a hard state, Silena Beauregard was not one to cross, and Piper had become sure of it the first time she had met her.

Sighing, Silena went back to her eggs, placing them in her mouth and munching. Their was a pause, Piper went back to her food as well as she thought about last night. The table was quite compared to at dinner. She could remember Drew jumping atop the table and screaming as another boy, a son of Hermes started swearing in Greek.

Piper remembered feeling bad for Mitchel, his orange cheese filled hair that he washed probably ten times before the orange tint slowly finally started to come out of his pure snow blonde hair. Mitchel had always looked up to Selina although at most being soft spoken and countlessly having worry about his looks.

Their was a pause as a tap was found upon her shoulder, she was sure it was someone like Annabeth, ready to place tactics and ideas about what had happened. She had probably sketched a map with the possible ideas of what monster and where it was and how the trembling occurred.

"Yes-" her comment was cut short as her head turned to look upwards, although instead of finding Annabeth's smooth Carmel hair she found the curly beard brown wise filled eyes of Chiron, his smile was strained as she could tell, he was probubly wanting to move away from the intoxicating perfume smell of Drew.

"Piper" Chiron spoke softly his voice seeming nice and sweet although she knew whenever something sounded nice it normally ended badly "Because of the very loud-" he paused his eyes slightly slipping to Drew although quickly turned back to her. Acually at the moment Drew was applying her probably nine hundredth and ninety ninth layer of lipstick.

"You and another have been chosen to help a few find any sources of problems" his smile was still kept although now piper could tell that she didn't find his smile as pleasing, maybe a bit annoying even.

She frowned before smiling lightly saying a soft 'thanks' before turning back to the table, Chiron moving away slowly as he turned back to the head table, eating his breakfast food.  The French toast did not sound as appealing now, "anyone want to hel-" piper spoke although was cut off as Mitchell quickly yelt "nose goes-".

Mitchell's sparkly blue eyes seemed vividly excited as his pale forefinger quickly touched his nose, followed Lacy, Valentina. Selina didn't look upwards, her eyes kept to a book that she had somehow brought although kept hidden until now, poking her nose as though she hadn't done anything.

Piper's soft forced smile turned into a deeper frown, that meant Drew Tanaka would be her lovely forest partner, it made her want to throw up although if Drew through up she was sure it would be in rainbow patterns and smell like her intoxicating Violet scent.

Drew looked upwards and at that moment, Piper knew her day was only going to get worse.
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