🌥Chapter One🌥 Smashing Swords And Eatting Earthquakes

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Makai Grace Blitz
The Sons of ρολόι
Chapter One

Smashing Swords And Eating Earthquakes

Charisse stood, she had been practising swords play for practically a hour now, the sound of the whap of her electrified celesteral Bronze sword banging against the bags of dummy's made pleasure spill through her head.

For Charisse was the Daughter of Ares, the Head Counceler of Cabin 5 although she still felt a need to be better. Slamming away upon the bag she felt the soft rumble beneath her feet yet ignored it ''another stampede' she guessed with a snort, thinking of a practical joke that the kids of Hermes could have played upon the Satyrs. Probably luring food towards a certain place then scaring them with a simple 'boo'.

Charisse knew she was better then most although at times it bothered her to think she wasn't, it made her bushey brows bunch together as the sour taste of saltwater pooled through the back of her dry scratchy throat. She paused 'concentrate' her mind shout again for she was the Drakon Slayer and easily the favourite of Ares.

She snorted again, who cared about favourites. It was a absent task her other siblings would attempt yet never succeed for everyone knew she was the best, everyone but him. She thought for another moment, the electric buzz making a ash coloured spot start to form in the dummy's rump, she moved a arm another way to whap more dark holes in the material. This time in its chest.

Clarisse was a tall girl, often not caring what she looked like, well more like never caring what she looked like. She had dark choppy brown hair, reaching just below her shoulders although you could rarely ever tell, for her hair was always pulled back in a tight poneytale framing her pig like featured face. She was a buff girl, ranging more in the middle although having more mussel then chips in her arms and long thick legs then skinny twig ones. She wore a thinning orange Camp half-blood te-shirt with her jagged to-short ripped jeans and sneakers.

The dummy grew blackened again as Clarisse desided it was finally time for a rest, for the sun was lowering in the sky and she knew even though she could easily take them on, no one wanted to be stuck smelling like Herpes breath. A small smile was kept beneath her breath as she placed her electric sword inside its sheath, located on the side of her loose fading black leather belt. The Dinner bell rang, signalling it was time to eat, it made Charisse's dry mouth water as she thought of the Mac and Cheese she was going to eat, then dump on possibly one of the campers heads.

Their had been no 'newcomers' as Chiron had called them, Clarisse always found Chiron to be a pain through for he favoured others who shouldn't be being favoured. 'Newcomers' though were always a fun thing in Clarisse's eyes, although she wasn't saposed to the new campers ritual always made her laugh, only once had it not.

Clarisse paused, stopping at the back of her line, yet she had her ways in moving to the front, simply pushing and threatening was her treat, oh boy how she loved it.

Hitting a boy, no older then twelve, a son of Aphrodite no doubt she quickly moved to grasp a plate. The plate was a thick blue plastic and she knew that the person who was going to be cleaning up that night would not be happy although she would be. "Think fast" she spoke deeply a hand bow grasping the sticky orange macaroni, its velveta fake cheese melting off her thick fingers, throwing it at the Aphrodite kid.

He emidiatlly shrieked, the sound was girlish and she herd Sherman start to deeply laugh another one of her younger siblings pointing at the pristine blonde haired boy and breaking into laughter.

In less then five minutes the hole area was laughing, that was until Chiron 'oh that buzzkill' stood and held his hands in a silencing motion, everyone slowly sitting down like dominos. Clarisse wiped her sticky orange fingers on her baggy jeans, avoiding the evidence one might say as at last the Aphrodite kid sat down at his table yellow streaks floating through his curly blonde locks.

"Everyone please calm down" Chiron spoke whimsically as Clarisse did a sort of motion with her hand as though it were talking and not the half horse man. "I would like to announce the next sign up sheet for the chariot races" Chiron spoke, looking down to a smirking Mr. D, no doubt it was his idea to host the game; the Ares table cheered.

Mr. D, also known as Dyanisis the savioured whine god was clad in his signiture Cheetah print button up short sleeve with brown cargo pants his coca-cola can held in front of him although untouched. For Mr. D hated not having crimson Alcoholic beverages in front of him.

"I ask of you to note that their will be added rules and breaking will be punished" Chiron spoke in his boring tone as for, just a split second Clarisse could have sworn he was looking at her.

Just then Chiron grabbed a scroll, reading off the piece of parchment, it all sounding much like the teacher from Charlie Brown 'womp womp, womp womp'. She rolled her eyes, for Clarisse didn't need to hear any of these rules, for she had one the last Chariot racing games and she knew she was going to win this one. Just then Chiron stopped and the only reason Clarisse had even realised it was because everyone had stopped. The trembling had come again although this time more violent then a simply stamped.

Clareise looked up to Mr. D, his bored face seemed to be replaced by something as his head kept constant, looking to the dark forest. Her head spun though to the screaming Blonde curly haired boy with drying cheese chunks who was screaming once again and Drew who was standing atop her table trying to find the cause of this. For the tremors were wild and then they would stop, pound again, then stop for it was as though they were footprints. Footprints of a cyclops? Maybe although they couldn't get in because of the amazing borders that she had helped saved.

No this seemed off, and these tremors seemed to grow, and grow and grow until all of a sudden it stopped; the screaming subsided.

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