Chapter 5 - Aidelle's Family

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The two of them made their way back to Aidelle's house, which wasn't a far walk from school, nor was it very far from Daniel's own house.

"So how many people are in your family?" Daniel asked as they turned a corner.

"Five, there's my mum, my dad, me, and my two little sisters," she replied.

"Oh? What are your sisters names?" Daniel asked.

"Emily and Zoe," she answered.

"How old are they?"

"Emily is six and Zoe's twelve, why do you ask? To make some conversation at the dinner table?"

"No, so I know what I'm going to be dealing with."

Aidelle laughed at his comment, and when they got to her house, she opened it and signalled for Daniel to place his bag inside the door.

"Mum! I'm home!" she called out.

"Hi sweetie!" her mother exclaimed from the couch, turning her head, she noticed Daniel standing behind her.

"Oh and you must be Daniel! It's so nice to meet you," she greeted as she got up and walked over to shake his hand.

"It's nice to meet you too Missus Durlan," Daniel greeted her back, shaking her hand.

"Oh, just call me Kristine," she replied chuckling.

"What movie are you watching, mum?" Aidelle asked.

"Lord of the Rings, what else? We can't get television reception here, so we can't even keep up with the news, we need friends to tell us what's happening in the world!" Her mother joked, turning to Daniel and chuckling, "so Aidelle tells me you're staying for dinner!"

"Uh, yes if it's alright with you that is," he answered nervously.

"Of course! We're having chicken bake tonight so there should be enough for five people, and maybe even leftovers, I hope you like chicken!" She laughed.

"Who doesn't?"


They all sat around the dinner table, slowly eating their meals, as Aidelle's mother began to ask Daniel questions.

"What are your hobbies, Daniel?" Kristine asked.

"Well, not much I guess, I like movies and games and stuff, as does basically every boy," Daniel joked, jabbing at a piece of chicken and bringing it to his mouth.

"Do you like barbies?" Emily asked him, and they all laughed.

"Um, maybe?" He answered laughing.

"Then we can play Barbie after dinner!"

Daniel cursed in his head and forced a smile as he but the food from his fork.


"Thank you for having me for dinner Kristine," Daniel picked up his bag as he thanked her.

"It was my pleasure, maybe you can come back with Aidelle some other time!"

Daniel smiled and exchanged goodbye to everybody, Aidelle leaving with him on the way back to his house.

"Your family is nice! Zoe's quiet though," he said.

"Yeah I know, but at least you and Em seemed to enjoy playing barbie," Aidelle giggled at Daniel.

"You don't know that," he laughed back.

Soon they arrived at his house and he offered for her to follow him inside, which she gladly accepted. Daniel opened the door, beckoning her to enter first.

"Hello!" Daniel froze at the sound of his mothers voice from inside.

"Oh, hi! Are you Daniel's mum?" Aidelle responded as Daniel turned around, looking at his mother, who had a smile on her face.

"Yes, but please call me Eliza! Are you a friend of his?" Her response was cheerful and light.

"Yeah, my name's Aidelle, it's nice to meet you!"

Daniel stared at his mother in disbelief, clenching his fists and gritting his teeth. Both Eliza's and Aidelle's voices became muffled as he thought to himself, anger flooding him as he watched his mother indulge in a civil conversation, masking her true personality.

"Dan?" Aidelle's entrancing voice drew him from his mind.

"What? Yeah?" He questioned obliviously.

"Why don't you go and show Aidelle your room?" Eliza suggested.

"Oh, yeah, sure, come with me," he grumbled.

"Okay, it was nice to meet you, Eliza!" Aidelle chirped towards his mother, and she followed Daniel down the hallway and up the stairs, walking towards his room.

"You've got a nice house," she said, having admired the interior as they walked into his room.

"Thanks. I had a cool time tonight, it was nice to meet your family," he smiled.

"I'm glad you got to meet them," she replied.

The conversation faltered for a moment, Daniel trailing off in his thoughts again, while Aidelle looked around his room and smiled, beginning to speak.

"Well, I should probably go home now," she said, slowly.

Daniel nodded in agreement and they descended down the stairs after walking out of his room. Daniel's mother spoke from her bedroom, calling out to them.

"Goodbye Aidelle! It was nice to meet you!" His mother called, and Daniel muttered under his breath at her.

"Alright, see you Dan!" He watched Aidelle step out of the front door and outside, and he called out goodbye back to her.

Slamming the front door shut behind himself, Daniel thundered along the hallway and stomped up the stairs, breathing rapidly. He shut his bedroom door behind himself and slammed his fists into the wall, grunting in frustration from his mother.

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