Snow Fun

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The cold weather began to fall upon Auradon. Soon, Auradon was covered in layers of snow. The people of Auradon loved it when it snowed. They all loved to play in the fluffy snow.

However, Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos weren't so happy about it being so cold. All of them tended to stay indoors, wrapped in blankets in their dorm rooms.

As they walked to class, they were joined by the AKs. "Are you all alright?" Jane asked.

"It's freezing cold. Of course we're not alright," Mal complained.

"Don't you guys wanna play in the snow?" Lonnie asked.

"Play in snow?" Carlos questioned. "Why would anybody want to do that?"

"Because it only snows during the winter time," Audrey said. "Playing in snow is so much fun. We've all been doing it since we began walking."

"You mean, you guys didn't play in the snow on the Isle of the Lost?" Doug asked.

"We didn't get snow on the Isle," Jay admitted.

The AKs were shocked once more. "The Isle really had only one season: Wet, rain, and cloudy," Evie said. "It was considered good luck if the sun was shining at all."

"However, it's way colder on the island," Jay said. "We never had the right clothes for the cold, so we tended to stay indoors during the colder times of the year."

"If you had the right clothes for winter, would you guys consider playing in the snow?" Chad asked.

"Well," Evie started. "What do clothes for winter look and feel like." Doug and Lonnie showed Evie all the different coats, jackets, gloves, boots, and scarves that people could wear during winter. Audrey even showed her how they could be fashionable. In almost an instant, Evie began designing winter wear for her and the VKs. She finished it in record time. "So, what do you guys think?"

"I think you look beautiful," Doug told Evie. Evie began blushing, making her cheeks pop against her royal blue coat.

"Well, come on guys," Ben said. They all then dragged the VKs out to the tourney field, which had been covered in snow.

"Thank goodness tourney is a fall sport and not a winter one," Jay said.

"First order of business," Jane started. Suddenly, she just fell back onto the snow.

"Jane! Are you okay?" Carlos asked frantically. Then, she started moving her arms and legs around. "W-What are you doing?"

"Making a snow angel," Jane replied. After a few seconds, she got up from the snow and displayed her newest creation.

"Aw, it does look like an angel," Evie said.

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