Christmas Eve

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All the AKs and the VKs were in their pajamas sitting by the fire. They were all laughing and telling stories.

"What is Christmas like at your house, Doug?" Evie asked.

"Quite interesting actually," Doug replied. "With six uncles, that means you're gonna have a lot of cousins as well. We always have a big feast to feed the entire family. Then, we do our big cousin secret Santa."

"Secret Santa? What's that?" Carlos asked.

"It's when a group of people exchange gifts, but the receiver doesn't know who they got the gift from," Lonnie explained.

"My aunt, Happy's wife, always set it up. It was a way for us kids to interact with one another. Sometimes, Snow White would come with her family. Then, on Christmas morning, we open all of our gifts."

"That's sweet."

"What about you, Lonnie," Jay asked.

"Christmas isn't too interesting at my house now that my brother and I are older," Lonnie explained. "We usually made a ton of cookies, and Li'l Shang and I would try to stay up all night for Santa. However, neither one of us could really stay up that long. Now, we usually just relax and watch Christmas movies."

"I wish I had all that fun," Jane said. "It's just my mom and I at my home."

"That is why Fairy Godmother and Jane join my family every year to observe all the lights around the kingdom," Chad said. Chad might be a little self-centered, but he always had a soft spot for Jane. They've known each other since they were in diapers; she's like a little sister to him. They're parents are from the same story after all.

"My family sings Christmas songs all night," Audrey said. "And Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather make the best pies."

"What about you, Ben?" Mal asked.

"When I was younger, my parents always read me Christmas stories. It became so popular that the entire castle comes together and makes up all kinds of stories together. My uncle Chip is one of the best storytellers," Ben said. "Just don't tell my mom I said that. She still thinks she's number one in that area."

"I wish we had those special traditions on the Isle," Jay said. All the VKs seemed to be down about that.

"Hey," Ben said. "You guys are here now, and you can make new memories with us."

The VKs smiled. They all continued to talk, laugh, and tell stories. At around midnight, the VKs remembered something. "We gotta go to bed!"

"Why?" The AKs asked.

"Cause Santa's not gonna come if we're still awake," Evie explained.

The AKs all looked at each other. Chad scoffed. "Guys, Santa's not-" he was cut off by the other AKs who practically trampled him to make him shut up.

"Yeah," Ben said. "You know what? Why don't you four head upstairs and we'll meet you all up there."

The VKs nodded and ran upstairs happily. "What?" Chad said as the VKs were now out of sight.

"Who told them about the whole Santa Clause thing?" Doug asked.

"That would be me," Lonnie said raising her hand slowly. "When we were making cookies, they didn't know what the Santa cookie cutter was. I just had to explain it to them."

"When are we gonna tell them that, you know," Jane said.

"As soon as possible," Audrey said.

"But they seem excited."

"We'll tell them they're second year in Auradon," Ben said.

"Hey guys!" Jay called from upstairs. "What's taking so long?"

"Third year," Ben said.

The AKs all laughed before heading upstairs to join their excited friends.

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