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I open my eyes and sit up in bed. It's not the bed in the homestead. Its MY bed. And I'm in my room... I hear a woman calling my name from downstairs and I hurriedly run towards her voice. She's kneeling in front of a chair, a small boy toddler gripping onto her arm. There seems to be someone in the chair but their back is to me. I walk to the front of the chair, next to the woman and what I see is something that chilled me to the bone. It was a man. Not just sitting, but strapped to the chair. His hair was missing in spots, leaving red open wounds on his scalp. He had bloody gashes in his temples, which tapered off into small scratches as if he had tried to dig into his brain through the soft parts of his skull.

He didn't look like he was in pain despite all of the injuries. He looked.. Calm. The corners of his mouth were turned up in the slightest. Was he.. Happy? The woman in front of him was crying. She stands and turns to me. I have to lift my chin up to look at her face because of the height difference.. It's not that she was very tall. It's because I'm very.. Short. I seem to be about 6 years old. She gently grabs my shoulders and speaks in a soft, gentle tone. "Remember what we talked about?"

"Is daddy passed the gone mom?" I asked without actually intending to. It seems like I'm watching a movie.. not actually controlling the events. A look of pain flashed acrossed her face as she nodded slightly. "You know what we do to people passed the gone right?" Even at such a young age, too young to have been through such traumatizing hell, I knew all too well what we need to do.

I nod, my eyes pooling up with tears, lip quivering, like a sad puppy and hug her as she broke into sobs. She pulled away as she heard the man whispering incoherent words to no one in particular, then laughing to him self while pulling at his bonds on his wrists. This wasn't the first time he's done this judging by the wet blisters and rope burns on them. The woman told the little boy and I to say our goodbyes and she would do what had to be done.

I take a small step towards the man, who really didn't even look human anymore. "It's ok. The voices will stop soon daddy," I said innocently. He looked up at me and struggled to stand up, looking as if he wanted to strangle me. I jump back and the woman put a hand on my shoulder, gripping a pistol in the other, as she steps in front of me, blocking my view of the monster. I hear the click of the gun being loaded. I bury my face in her arm, awaiting the loud boom of the gunshot, but instead hear my name being called.

"Y/n, Y/N, wake up!!! Can you hear me? Come on Y/n come back to me, please!" I hear a muffled voice come from every direction. My eyes fly open as I shoot up into a sitting position. Newt is sitting next to me and he takes my face in his hands and gently makes me look at him. "Oh my god. Love, are you alright? You we're crying in your sleep! Bloody hell y/n you scared the shuck out of me!"

I shake my head slightly, just enough to make the tears that were pooling in my eyes spill over my cheeks. "I- I'm- It was just a nightmare." I lied, not only to Newt but to myself.

What the hell was that thing.. And we're those my parents? Who was the little boy.

In the back of my mind, I had a bad feeling it was more than just a nightmare, but I told myself otherwise. Newt looked down at my trembling hands and pulled me into his arms. I rested my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat which was pretty fast but it slowed mine, making me more relaxed.

When I finally stopped shaking after a few minutes I pulled away. I give him a weak smile, "I'm okay." "You wanna talk about it?," he asked looking concerned still. "No!" I said a little too harshly. "Uh no, no, it's fine really." He squinted his eyes, as if he was trying to read me, but shook his head and stood up. "It's a bit early but I doubt you want to try and fall back asleep, you want breakfast?" "Yeah sure, anything to take my mind off that nightmare." He gives me a sympathetic look and offers his hand which I accept.

We walk together to the empty cafeteria. The gladers are still asleep but Frypan is up a little earlier to get breakfast prepared. "Hey you two are up bright and early, anything I can do for you?" he says flashing a big smile. I liked Frypan already. I mean he gives me food. "Yeah we have a long day ahead of us so we wanna get breakfast out of the way." Newt says. "Oh that's riightt, greenie gets a tour today. Hey if you do good in here I'd be glad to give you the job greenie!" He says excited. I smile, although it doesn't seem like an interesting job.

He returns with two plates of eggs and french toast. Newt and I sit down at one of the tables and eat our breakfast in silence, not wanting to talk about what happened earlier. When we finish, we step outside, seeing the other gladers start to make their way over to eat. "Alright y/n, let's get started shall we."


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