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Thomas and I arrive at the Bonfire and find that every glader is there. There looks to be around 60 boys, drinking, talking, and fighting. Newt spots me and calls me over by Gally to get some drinks.

"Two please," Newt tells Gally. Gally hands Newt a bottle and turns to me to shove a bottle at my chest. I stumble back a step and glare at him, harshly putting the drink back down on the stand.

"Hey what's your problem?? I haven't done anything since I've been here, yet you've been nothing but a shank to me!"

Did I just say shank? Newt was right, I would catch onto their slang, just quicker than I thought.

Gally turns around looking a little shocked that I stood up for myself.

"Because you slinthead, everything was fine for 3 years! We had a steady pattern where one BOY would come up in the box once a month. Now all of a sudden a girl comes up? And I'm bettin' you know something. You work for the creators shank?"

Now it was my turn to be shocked.

"I-.. No." I stuttered.

"You're a shuck liar! She's gonna get us all killed!" Gally growled.

"Gally calm down. She hasn't done anything so let's not jump to conclusions," Newt added, putting his hand up.

At this point, Gladers have formed a circle around Newt, Gally, and I.

"You know what? I remember Alby saying she should be treated like the rest of us so how about we do our traditional greenie fight, huh?"

"Gally.." Newt gave him a look.

"Great. The rules are simple, Greenie.. I have to try and get you out of the circle. You try and last more than 5 seconds." Gally said smirking.

That earned a bunch of laughter from the croud surrounding us. I sigh, slowly backing up to the other side of the circle. Newt grabs my shoulders and gives me a worried look in the eyes. "You don't have to do this," he says, as if he was pleading.

"It's fine. He can't hurt me," I say reassuringly.

He looks down, releasing my shoulders and steps back.

"Ready?" Asks Gally. "I guess" I shrug. Before I can react, Gally has ran up to me and shoved me into the boys behind me, but I get shoved back into the center of the arena. Just as I gain my balance, Gally from behind, shoves me back down.

I see Newt try and step in but he's held back by another Glader. I stand back up, brushing my shirt off, and the crowd starts "oooo"ing.

"You gonna cry Greenie?" Gally asks mockingly.

"You wish, and stop calling me Greenie."

"Okay? So what do you want to be called, shank?"

Without warning I run at him and wrap my arms around his torso, pushing with all my weight. But he's stronger and heavier so I start sliding backwards. Just as I'm about to fall out, I use his own strength against him, slipping out of his arms. He falls forward, and gets a face full of sand.

The crowd fills with laughter and yelling.

"Not bad for a girl huh Gal-"

I was cut off by his leg, knocking my feet from under me and I fall to the ground yet again, this time hitting my head, and black dots start swarming into my vision.


I must have been out of it for a second because when I come back to reality, I'm still on the ground, Gladers swarming over me, and Newt in front of me cupping my face in his hands. "Greenie? Greenie!" He yells, searching my eyes.

"Y/n", I whisper. "Huh?" he says with a look of utter confusion.

He's so cute when he's confused.. Wait... Y/N. THAT'S MY NAME!

I scramble to my feet as quickly as possible. Newt jumps to his feet as the other Gladers give me some space.

"Y/N! My name is Y/N!" I yell, slightly shaking from adrenaline. The glade is silent for a moment before being replaced with cheering. The next thing I know is my feet have lifted off the ground, Minho had placed me on his shoulder and everyone started chanting my name.

In the distance I see Gally storm away. I smile to myself. When the uproar chimes down, Minho places me down and gives me a hug, taking me by surprise.

"I'm Minho!" he says confidently, running his hands through his jet black hair. "That was pretty cool what you did just then Y/N. No greenie usually has the guts to stand up to Gally."

I smile proudly, "Thanks Minho."

He gets called by his friends, "One sec guys! Later greenie," he gives me a wink before jogging away and I'm left alone. I find a nearby bench and take a seat, looking around at what is to be my new home. I take a deep breath, inhaling the many scents. Fire, grass, food, drinks.

I'm pulled out of my trance when I feel a shift on the bench next to me, Newt had sat down, holding a drink.

"Y/N. It's pretty," He says as he takes a sip. "Thanks," I tuck my h/c hair behind my ear. The moment is interrupted when a loud booming sound erupts, filling the air around us. I jump out of my seat but Newt grabs my arm and ushers me to sit back down. I see him point at one of the openings in the walls. They were... Closing. Like giant doors.

"See that? The doors are closing. Don't worry, they keep us safe. I'll tell you more tomorrow when you get the tour. You're gonna start training for jobs then too."

I nod, "What's your job?"

He shrugs his shoulders, "I just do a bit of everything...."

I yawn as I nod. Newt seems to have noticed and smiles, "Tired?"

"A little.. My brain is fried."

He laughs and stands up, extending his hand for me. "Alright Love this way. I'll show you your room."

We walk to what is called the homestead, hand in hand, and head upstairs to where some bedrooms are. He opens a door to the right of a hallway and reveals a simple bed and dresser. Other than that it's completely empty.

He brings a small box inside and sets it down on the bed. "The creators sent down some clothes for you and some uh, other girl s-stuff," he says turning bright red and scratching his head.

I laugh and he nervously chuckles. He explains that his room is directly ahead of mine if I need anything.

"Get some sleep, you've got a long day tomorrow and you'll need your energy."

I nod, "Goodnight Newt."

"Sweet dreams."

He shuts the door behind him and hear his door open and close as he enters his room across the hall.

I walk to the bed and plop down, immediately drifting off as I curl into a ball and fall asleep for the first time for as long as I can remember in my new home.


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