Chapter 1

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I was gripping the gun so tight that my knuckles where turning white. It was such a big gun for my 10 year old girl self to hold, but my mother had taught me how to hold and use it just because I was attracted to danger like now, a man killed my mother and now he's looking for me. But I will not let my mother die in vain. I was going to kill him or be killed trying but not without a fight. I see a shadow under the door from inside my little room where I lived and stayed in since I was a baby. I held the gun pointed it to were I thought the man's head was and as he opened the door I pulled the trigger. BANG! He fell to the ground at my feet. I took the money from his wallet and ran out of the house and hopped into his nice expensive car. A 2013 Lamborghini veneno which was black, exterior and interior, if i guessed crorrect. I thought it was crazy how he got here in such a nice car out here. On our dirt road in the middle of no where.

I know what your thinking how can she drive a car let alone that car! But my mom taught me how to drive just in case this ever happened. I now thank her for teaching me how to drive a manual shift. As I speed down the dirt road I can tell he's up now and mad. He let a 10 year old girl do that to him and take his car.

I just laughed and smiled. I turned on the radio and thought wow what a great song. The song Come & Get It By Selena Gomez was on and I sang along.

When I got to the end of the road I was dieing of laughter because I was imagining what the man’s face would have looked like when he woke up with no girl and no car. I heard growling over the music so I speed up a little more As I pulled out onto the highway. I was flying down the road and pasted the home town that I grew up in called Black Forest. I flew by that town and didn’t look back. 

I drove for as long as I could and stopped to get gas every now and again.I made it clear from California to Ohio in three days. It felt like forever! I made it to the small town called Midnight Run. I think they called it that because a lot of animals run at night in the forest that surrounds the town. I got a medium sized house that had two bedrooms and two bathrooms. It was a house in the middle of the forest so if he did try tracing me, it would be extremely hard. The house was a nice white color with flowers everywhere, a house I imagined I would gow old in.

I walked into the house, it walk nicely decorated. With the walls painted and the floors made out of hardwood, well all but the bedrooms and the living room. I walked straight up and into bed, as soon as my head hit the pillow I was a sleep. 


I need a new cover so anybody who wants to make one just send it to me   Thanks for reading! :)                          

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