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A lone dark figure eyes glowed. His ears twitched as he started one of the last missions his psychic powers gave him. He sniffs the air. " Where is that dumb Treecko?" He asked himself listening intently. He had never physically met the starter Pokémon, but he had to help him.

He was about to get engaged in a battle that he couldn't win. With a Charizard. A Treecko vs a Charizard. That's not only a type or two disadvantage, but a Charizard was a really dangerous Pokémon.

He couldn't let this battle happen. He knew what would happen if he didn't stop it. The Treecko would get killed, and the action would cause something so bad...let's just say the whole Starter Squad didn't see it coming, but he did. This Umbreon in the forest, desperately trying to save a gecko who he didn't know.

He darted under a lush tall and fat blade of grass. He lowered his haunches. Trainer! His brain screeches at him. The trainer walked through the forest with a Torracat by his side. The boy looked familiar, but Eon couldn't place his paw on where he saw him before.

That Popplio! He realized. This boy was a friend of, Pip. Either way, he had to ask for directions. He knew that the Torracat would have it. " Hey!" Eon calls. " Lit- Torracat!" He calls, almost calling the cat by his first evolution name.

" Y-you're that umbreon!" Torracat realized, his eyes widened as he darted into the tall grass. The boy made a noise that sounded like he didn't know why Torracat ran off.

" Yeah. I have a quick question. Have you passed a Treecko recently?" Eon asked as smoothly as he could without shaking or crying. Torracat blinked at him for a minute. Then he swiftly shakes his head. " Sorry. I have not. Though I did pass a raging Charizard a while ago. Are you looking for a Charizard as well?" Torracat asked.

" Y-yeah. Have you seen him?" He asked with extreme desperation. Torracat nodded his broad cat head. " He went that way." He responded, pointing a paw in the direction that Umbreon was heading. " You can't miss him. He's the one who is flying all crazy. What a nutcase!" Torracat told him.

Eon thanked the young cat as he headed in that direction. " No problem. Thanks for helping us defeat that murderer of a Sandslash!" Torracat called back. Eon nodded only as a response and continued to pad forward, the young gecko in his head.

He sniffs the air. An abrupt roar cut off his tracks. It sounded like that Charizard! He thought. He then races ahead. He sees the Charizard. He was blindly stomping around across a village of Flabèbe. They were all female and screaming for help.

" Don't worry!" A brave, loud, yet squeakish voice cried out from the dark trees on the other side of the village. " I'll save you! I'll save you all!" The voice turned deeper. The Treecko jumped from his hiding spot.

The Charizard laughed. " You? You're the champion of these girls? You will fight a badass like me?" The Charizard laughed. " Well, Yeah!" The Treecko said, his tail glowing green.

Leaf blade. Charizard laughed. " That can't do anything to me." He had one claw on his knee(?) and was spitting fire out of his mouth in response to the treecko's stupidity.

" There's no one here to save you." He taunted and then flew in the air. He flew at the Treecko. The grass type's eyes widened.

He tried blocking the Slash attack with the Leaf Blade, but it was too late. Charizard's claw pierced through the skin, digging deeper into the Treecko's flesh.

The Treecko screamed with unbearable pain. This was what he saw in his vision. Eon darted out and quickly slammed into the Charizard's side. The once smiling creature now had the wind knocked from him.

" You little meddler!" The Charizard roars. " You're spitting kid." Eon comments. " I'm not spitting!" Charizard yells, stomping his feet. The Treecko was a few feet away, completely dead to the world at the moment. Meaning he was unconscious. Zonked out. Down for the count.

" Yeah. And I suggest getting a flying instructor as well. You could do with some flying lessons, buddy." At that the Charizard tries to attack him. Eon dodges. " I thought Charizard were suppose to be fast." The Charizard tried again, but Eon dug underground and pulled at Charizard's foot.

He screamed, until it was cut short...and that was only because the other one got pulled in a different hole. Eon snickered with joy. Finally the one tv skill he could actually use from his pet days.

The Charizard was thankfully stuck. The Flabèbe all cheered and hugged Eon. He shook them all off his pelt. They were like pests when it comes to saving them. This wasn't the first village he helped.

" Thank you!" One days. Then the tea all day the same thing and like twenty of them blush at him. Arceus help me. He thought. " Hey now, I would love to stay, but I have somewhere I need to be." Eon says as politely as possible. " Let me come!" 1000 Of them say. " I can't let you. You must stay here and rebuild your village." He kindly told them, picking up the Treecko and putting him on his back.

Before the fairy types could say anything he ran off in the wind. " Where's the nearest Chansey?" He asks himself as he worriedly runs off in pursuit of a healer.

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