Chapter one

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Churro groaned as he woke up. A pink Pokémon was in front of him. She looked worried. " Don't get up!" She ordered him, as she pushed his body, which was trying to get out of the bed. A pain in his stomach made him sharply go back on his back.

" You're lucky, kid!" She told him. " Why's that?" He asked. " A kind Umbreon took you here. Is he a friend? You're so lucky to have friend as loyal as that." The chansey told him.

" W-what are you talking about?" Churro asked calmly, yet in a stutter. On the inside he was freaking out. Wondering what the Chansey was talking about.

" That Umbreon that brought you in? Is he a friend? Am I wrong?" Chansey asked him. " I don't know him. Or any Umbreon. Must have been a passerby who saw that Charizard barely beat me and being me here." He commented.

The Chansey looked at him weirdly. " Either way. It was sweet of him." Chansey commented. " And you've got a scar. I wouldn't say barely." The Chansey told him.

" Can I go now?" He asked. " No! You need to let the wound heal up some more." The Chansey told him. " But I've got a place to be." He stated. " Not until it heals." The Chansey tells him sternly.

He sighs. " Look lady. I've got an appointment. An appointment somewhere that's not here. So let me go. We can either do this the easy way or the hard way." Churro growled.

The Chansey brought out police restraints. They were for grass types. Churro's eyes widened. " Hard way it is then." He said, beginning to look nervous. Shit. He thought.

So much trouble just to keep a Treecko from doing his duty. He thought. " Restraints won't stop me from doing the greater good." He stated. " The greater good?! Keeping patients from mauling themselves is the greater good! Stay still." The Chansey told him.

" But I need to help." H stated. " Help? Help who?" She questioned him. " This broken world." Churro stared simply. He folded his arms, serious. " There are plenty of cruel and twisted Pokémon out there only for themselves. I'm going to help this world. I'm going to become the greatest Sceptile ever!" He exclaimed.

Chansey laughed at him. " You're cute, Kid. But killing yourself now won't help you. Rest. And then, later, you can become a great Sceptile." She told him. Churro glared at her.

" Rest? I don't have the time." He told her. " Well make time! I'm not gonna sit here forever and watch you!" She retorted.

" Humph." Churro commented, looking away as he rolled his eyes. " Fine. But I'm leaving first thing tomorrow morning lady. And I won't let some fatty stop me." He commented.

She snorted, not really insulted by the insult. " Fine by me. Good bye." She commented. She shut his room door loudly. He sighed. " I've got to get out of here." He said.

He pushed himself off the bed. He curled his body. " Ow." He groaned. His stomach hurt. It seemed there was a scar there. Or a bloody red spot. Maybe getting up like that wasn't a good idea. The slash mark he got was a long one.

A bandage was on the table. Why didn't she just put it on? He asked himself. He grabbed the scar sized bandage and dressed himself in the gauze. He groaned a bit.

There were tears on his face. From the pain on his stomach. It seared. He winced. " You know," a voice commented as an Umbreon walked inside the room, a scarf on his neck.

" When a nurse advises you to not get up, they probably mean it." The Umbreon says. The two Pokémon's eyes meet. Churro just glared at the Umbreon.

" Who are you?" Churro growled. The Umbreon just strolled over to him and placed a paw on him. Churro gave him a look that said, ' don't touch me.' " Who I am? You want to know? Sure!" The umbreon said, wagging his tail playfully.

This is a strange Pokémon. I don't think Umbreon ever wag their tails. Churro thought. This is one...special...Pokémon indeed. There's something weird about him. Strange. He thought.

" Me? I'm a Billy! Wait, no I'm not a billy." The Umbreon laughed, as he slapped his paw against his leg. What's so funny? Churro thought. It's as if he's seen something I haven't.

" What's your real name then? If you're not Billy, then who are you?" He asked. " I'm an Umbreon! Wait, more incorrect words!" The umbreon exclaimed. " I'm an Eon!" He exclaimed as he chased his own tail, bitting it.

" You're not going anywhere tail! I'll make sure of it!" Eon seemed to growl from his teeth. " So what exactly did you do to save me? You don't look like a hero to me." Churro told him, arms folded, tail trying to cover his red mark.

" Little old me?" Eon asked innocently. " Of course I'm not a hero. Though if you think about it that way, I am a hero." He said, paw on his chest. It was as if he was proud Pyroar.

" What are you talking about?" Churro asked. " Have you ever heard of Tudi, Tisa, and Witness?" Eon asked him. " Yeah. They've been looking for these mean outlaws everywhere." Churro commented.

" But What do they have to do with you?" Churro asked him. " I was the one who stopped them." Eon told him. Churro couldn't keep a straight face when the Umbreon told him that.

" Hah! You say you're the one who kept those outlaws from killing Arceus? You expect me to believe that?" Churro laughed.

" Nope! But you're gonna half to believe me anyways." Eon insisted. " Why?" Churro asked with a confused face. " Do you really believe I just happened to be a passerby? I mean, I did stop that Charizard from possibly murdering you." Eon told him. " I don't follow." Churro said with a straight face.

" I never told many before you. Wait I have. But I am a psychic umbreon. Or am I an Absol Umbreon?" Eon commented. " Humph. Don't believe you." He told him. " Okay! But you're leaving tomorrow right? In that case, take moi with you!" Eon insisted.

Wait what? How'd he know about the plan. He certainly wasn't smart enough to eeveedrop was he? Maybe he was indeed who he says he is. Churro thought.

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