Chapter six

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" I think I'd rather work alone." Churro told him. " But you would be great partnering along with two others." Paarthurnax told him. He shook his head. " I'd rather work alone." He told him. I'm a loner. The Treecko thought proudly to himself.

Paarthurnax only nodded his head. " Now Get back to the medical center." He told Churro. Churro grumbled as he slinks into the medical area. He should be fighting, not healing. That's what he was born for. To brutally hurt himself.

He was a Pokémon after all. They were born to fight. Any Pokémon who didn't fight was a wimp. Either that or extremely unskilled.

He sat down on the bed with a sigh. His thoughts went to that Umbreon he had met earlier. What a strange fellow. But Churro knew something. That Umbreon was more powerful than he could ever imagine.

He had no idea why his mind wandered over to the Umbreon. Maybe I'm sick. He thought. Sicker than I realized. Churro closed his eyes trying to get some sleep. That's when he realized he was too wide awake.

He kicked his bedsheets off of him. They landed on some poor Chespin who was thrashing with it now, seemingly not being able to breath. It did not help the poor thing had a big claw mark on his stomach. Only difference was this one was more life threatening.

He's gonna die by tomorrow. Churro decided. That was when the Chespin wasn't thrashing anymore. A heart monitor besides his bed started to beep. It's lines flat.

Called it. Churro thought. He honestly didn't give a care that someone just Died. That just probably means more pay for him when he works for the starter squad.

It wasn't in his nature to be happy or anything. He'd rather be alone. He'd rather die right now. He'd rather be doing anything right now than thinking about some arceus-damned Pokémon who he never met.

He folded his arms. He hated this. He hated this stupid place where he was suppose to get better. It won't get better anyways. He thought. The only way to make it better was to entertain himself. He knew he would never feel better.

" Why the gloomy face, buddy?" A voice asked. He looked around. Imagination? He questioned himself. Then two black paws were placed on his bed, a head poked out from nowhere.

The freaking face of Eon. Was he freaking stalking him? What the fuck is wrong with him?! Churro was pretty sure he was mad at this point, so he would just yell at the slap happy demon.

" What are you doing here?! Why are you fucking stalking me?!" Churro screamed at him, trying to punch the shit out of Eon. Eon just pulled himself up onto the bed. Oh no you don't! Churro thought as he stood up sharply, and kicked the poor Umbreon off the bed.

That made the dark type's lip quiver. What the fuck is wrong with this dude? Was he hit on the head as an Eevee? Churro asked. He was starting to...hate this Umbreon more and more. Eon wailed loudly as if he wanted attention. He probably did.

Churro ignored his cries. He did that before with countless females who's hearts he broke. It wasn't his fault he wasn't interested in them. Not that they weren't pretty. He just doesn't think he's capable of handling a relationship with a female.

By the way this weirdly powerful Umbreon was crying you would think he'd had something legitimately to actually cry over. Does he cry over every little thing? Someone who cries like that shouldn't have that much power. Churro thought.

Eon continued to cry. It was a surprise no one was coming in to check. Also, weren't they suppose to know of all the Pokémon who came in? Did he sneak in? Why is he such a weirdo? Is he evil? Churro asked.

Then he shook his head. He would be crazy to believe this weird Umbreon was evil. But he had to shut him up somehow. " Shut up!" Churro yelled. Eon stopped for a moment then continued to wail.

" What the fuck is wrong with you?! Just shut up! Leave me alone!" Churro yelled at him. Eon whimpered. He stopped wailing for a second and whined, " You hurt my feelings." What. The. Distortion world! Churro got really mad at that.

" So?! Stop crying! It's annoying. Why won't you leave me alone?!" Churro screamed. " I only bothered you twice." Eon whimpered. Churro growled. " I only want to be left alone. I though you were....wait what are you doing?" Churro asked when Eon climbed on the bed again.

" You look as if you could use a hug." Eon said, as Churro looked at him in horror. He backed away. " I didn't know you were that grumpy." Eon purred, as he ended up pinning Churro to the wall.

Churro snarled and breathed in Eon's face. " What is this all about?" He questions him. " I want to give you a hug." Eon barked happily, tail wagging too much for someone giving someone a hug.

" You're odd." Churro said. Eon came closer. Churro glared at him. " I don't want a hug." He stated clearly. Won ignored his comment and wrapped his paws around the Treecko's body. Get your paws off, so help me I will kick you right now. Churro thought.

Eon rubbed his cheek against Churro's. Okay I do not understand what his problem is. Churro thought. " I have met you in my visions." Eon told him, creeping him out with his purring.

"Can you stop that?!" Churro screamed at him. He instantly felt guilty. " Stop What?" Eon asked, rubbing Churro on the stomach now. It didn't hurt. It just annoying him some more. All this Pokémon was doing was annoying him out of all the pokemon he could be annoying right at this second.

" Stop saying you met me in your visions. It makes you sound like a creep." Churro told him, now trying to fold his arms, but failed due to Eon pressing his arms over his head. That was when Eon licked his cheek.

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