Ch. 4: Expect the Unexpected

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My Sisters Voice-4

oR: June 27 2:48 PM

A/N. Hey! Sorry if you weren't satisfied with last chapter, well,

here's chapter 4!

Chapter 4: Expect the Unexpected

"Uhh...hey," I stammered. What? It isn't everyday that a cute guy

happens to be your 'car pool' to school and is standing on your front

door! My mom ushered for everyone to get into the room, "Oh Matthew!

It's great to see you! And Renee! Wow, you're still looking amazing!"

The adults had their conversation. And Serina and Mikayla were

still screaming their heads off. Leaving me and Cameron in an awkward


"So...we're gonna be car pools," He mumbled. I nodded.

I really thought the idea was vague. I mean, we're TEENS. We're very

capable of driving on our own with a liscence.

Well, most of us.

"Don't you think we're old enough to drive on our own?"

"I totally agree. My mom just likes to get together with new

people. She's kind of a peace maker person...ish." I laughed at the

statement. It made me think of Dayna, weirdly. I shrugged it off.

"Have a car?" I asked.

"No, but I'm getting one in a few months. You?"

"Nope," I said frowning, "But my dad's letting me use his AWESOME


"Camaro? Niiiice," He complimented. After that, it was just some

small talk. First cars, then it somehow changed into baseball, then

where we lived and bla bla bla...

I really don't want to bore you with the conversation.

"Soo...what are you guys doing with Grant's dad?" I asked, that -I

was very curious about. He frowned, "What'dya mean?"

"Umm...that's Grant's dad. That's his cousin. What are you guys-

you and your mom- doing here with them?"

"You don't know? And wait, how do you know my stepbrother?"

"This is kind of weird. So I really dont know. I know Grant because-

whoa whoa wait, STEPBROTHER?" Whoa, that was unexpected. He nodded,

"Grant's mom left his dad for some guy who lived -I think she still

does- in Arizona. And my mom has always been single. Then they met and

BAM!" I made a fake barfing sound, "Dude, if you say it like that it

sounds SO gross."

He laughed, "Well really, that's the story!"

" and Grant...are brothers?" I still couldn't believe he

would leave that out. But I had no reason to be mad...

I had just met him TODAY. We don't have to get serious...uh, that

came out wrong.

"STEP brothers," He corrected, "And really, it's suck-ish."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2010 ⏰

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