Not so new, New beginnings.

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Mike awoke to the sound of his older sister banging on his door, "Mike!" Nancy yelled through the door "Mike it's time to get out of bed" she yelled once more before banging on his door in frustration. Mike got out of bed slowly, yawing as he stretched his arms above his head. His mood changed as realisation hit. "El's first day of school", he mumbled to himself as he quickly got dressed. Throwing on a mustard toned sweater with black trimming and a pair of brown cargo pants.

He ran down the stairs, using the railing to help him jump the last three steps. Mike scooted around the corner and straight into the kitchen, he popped a piece of bread in the toaster and waited for the slight ding. He grabbed out a plate, placing his toast onto it before pouring himself a glass of milk. He walked, sitting at the table next to his younger sister Holly. He smiled at his sister softly before giving a slight tug on one of her neatly done blonde piggy tails. After he was finished his toast and milk he walked back to the kitchen and placed is plate and cup in the sink. The dark headed boy then made his way back up to his room, brushing his teeth on the way. He grabbed his bag and headed back down the stairs once again making his way to the front door, "bye mom" he yelled closing the door behind him not waiting for a response.

Max hopped in the oh so familiar smell that was Billy's car, her nose crinkled as the smell of Billy's cheap body spray that was trying to cover up the BO coming from his gym bag on the back seat stung her nostrils. They pulled into the school causing Billy to lock her door before she could get out. "Remember, if you're not here by the third bell-" he began to speak before she cut him off, "you're leaving without me." she finished off his sentence with a slight eye roll. "So can I go now?" She asked rhetorically. Billy unlocked the door letting Max finally leave, she slammed the door shut as she placed her skateboard on the ground riding it to the entrance.

The red haired girl stood at her locker leaning slightly against the one next to her own, she sighed as she opened it grabbing what she needed for her first two classes. She closed her locker slowly exposing a smiling Will, the girl jumped a bit frightened. "Hey Max!" he said still smiling, "hey Will" she responded not sure as to why he was there. "Lucas is sick and he wanted me to tell you that he won't be at school." The short boy said making it obvious to her now why he was at her locker. Max nodded her head a tad disappointed she wouldn't be able to see her boyfriend but shrugged it off as her and will walked to class together.

Mike was in class, sitting on his chair eagerly waiting for elevens arrival. The door began to open, Mike looked over in hope with a smile on his face. His smile disappeared as he soon realised it wasn't who he wanted it to be, the boy smiled once again noticing it was Will but rolled his eyes at the girl following behind his friend, Max. "Hey" Will said with the same bubbly smile he greeted Max with just before, Mike looked at him and smiled as he watched his friend sit in the seat next to him. "Hey" he responded back, the girl walked past both of the boys. This instantly made Mike roll his eyes once again "yeah, it's nice to see you too Mike" she said with a scoff.

The class was silent, that was until Dustin came in late. He looked flushed and bothered, Mike frowned his eyebrows towards the boy before Dustin turned to him. "AV room, lunch" he said in a rather demanding tone. Mike nodded and then carried on with what he was doing before the class was interrupted, Dustin turned around in his seat to face the red head. "AV room, lunch" he repeated so the girl would know what is happening, she smiled at him and nodded in agreement making him turn back to the front of the class.

At Lunch Max walked to the AV room slowly,  looking down at the floor not paying attention. She continued to walk like this for a while until running into someone. The girl fell back and landed on her butt, when she looked up an instant smile appeared on her face. "Lucas" she cheered, he held out his hand helping her up from the ground. "Hey MadMax" he said with a smile, Max's smile soon faded as she realised. "Wait, I thought you were sick?" she asked with a slightly raised eyebrow. The boy nodded at her before explaining, "I was but then my mom said I will be fine and the she proceeded to make me come" he said with a slight chuckle. "So where is everyone?" Lucas asked looking around seeing none of his other friends around. "AV room, we have to meet Dustin." She said with a nod before looking over at Lucas and gestured for them to walk.

Mike rolled his eyes as he saw the familiar red head walk through the AV room door, his annoyance soon turned into slight happiness as he saw Lucas follow behind her. "Hey guys" Lucas greeted the boys as he walked to the table, Max followed behind her boyfriend and smiled as her eyes met the only other females in the room. "El, hey" the red head said trying to be friendly, this made Mike smile a little as he saw Max was trying with El. The girl noticed the boy smiling and looked at him with a raised eyebrow, he shook his head a little and mouthed "what!?". Max put her hands up in surrender and then focused on Dustin who had slammed his hands on the desk, in the centre of the room.

{ Hi All, I hope you like and notice the changes I have made. For this chapter I just cut out unnecessary things and tried to make it easier to understand. Ill have the rest of the chapters out soon, Thank you so much for reading and supporting this book It means a lot to me. - A xoxo }

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