Still in the half light.

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Max frowned her brows at the boy, waiting for him to say something more. "well?" Dustin looked at him slightly confused, "Oh. Oh. Ohhhhh, I know what that face is." Dustin added scrunching up his face slightly, "should I go now before you guys start like, ripping off each other's clothes?" He asked rhetorically. "You know what you guys just um, yeah." The curly haired boy said rather awkwardly,  before moving his presences away from the table and back into the direction of the school doors.

"well then," Max spoke softly, trying her best not to look at the boy that was in front of her. "Are you okay?" Mike asked concerned, lifting up her chin. looking into into her big baby-blue eyes; getting lost in them like he always did. Max swallowed the lump in her throat, "yeah just fine." She said replied not knowing what to do next. "You're not, I know you." Mike said with the concerned tone still in his voice. "No, just what where you going to say before?" She asked him, so desperate for the answer. "Oh yeah um, well. I don't know. I like you a lot, I do but-" he began before getting cut off by the girl, "but you love Eleven." She spat, the hurt so crystal clear in her voice.

The raven haired boy shook his head frantically, his hair moving almost mop like. "No, no, no! That's not it." "Well then what?" The girl spat again, "am I not good enough for you? Is that it?" She questioned not one hundred percent sure if she actually wanted to know the answer. "oh goodness no! Max what's gotten into you? If you let me finish, I like you a lot, I do BUT I don't wanna mess anything up between us if we rush into us being girlfriend and boyfriend. like do we really need to label us so quickly?" The boy continued from what he began saying before. Max let out a sigh of relief as if she were holding in her breath that whole time, "oh god you have no idea how happy I am that, that is the only thing you're worried about." She chuckled slightly. "Yeah, I can tell" Mike spoke in a sarcastic tone, sending the pair into a series of giggles.

"Are you going to respond?" Mike raised a brow at her once the giggles had died down. "Oh um yeah, well I guess not? I don't know. You see the first boyfriend I had was Lucas and look how that ended but I don't think us not jumping into anything should effect anything, should it?" She responded, her farcical expression turning from a smile to slightly confused as she tried to wrap the words Mike had just said around her mind. "Of course not, I like you, you like me. That's enough right?" he reassured her, flashing a cheesy grin. The redhead just nodded, "yeah."

After what seemed like forever of more talking and flirting between the pair, they both finally decided to come back to reality. They had both skipped their last two periods just to sit, talk with one another and boy were they both glad they did.
"Want me to walk you home? Your brother would of already left you here by now." Wheeler said indicating the the emptiness of the school. "Yeah, I would love that." She responded sweetly, starting to get up from the table. Mike noticed the girls movement and followed along with it, "oh right now?" He said stepped slightly closer to her, grabbing ahold of her hand to help her over the chairs of the table. "Well you did insist on walking me so I thought you meant now?" She said as she gave him a slight nod, as to say thanks for
helping. Sending the boys cheeks to redden like crazy, as he stood their smiling at her like an idiot.

As the pair departed from the table Mike softly grabbed ahold of the girls hand, lacing their fingers together as he grinned at her childishly. "Why are you only like this when your friends are no where to be see?" Max asked cautiously as she didn't want to ruin anything between the two. The raven hair boy frowned his brows ever so slightly at her, "what do you mean?" He questioned, oblivious to what he has been supposedly doing.

For a moment there was silence between the two, Mike continued to look at confused as to why she just said that. "Max?" He paused and disconnected their hands as he stopped walking. "What do you mean?" He questioned again, this time frustration in his tone making the girl shake her head. Max sighed gently. "Well, you're only ever like this when we're alone and I just wanna know why? Like later today at the table for instance, when our hands rested together. As soon as you noticed Dustin, you moved your hands away. why? I don't understand." She spoke softly pouring out her feelings to the boy, her facial expression somewhere between saddened and confused.

Mike huffed gently, "well I just don't want him teasing us for being all touchy feely and quiet honestly why does it matter? I thought we agreed we weren't going to put a label on it?" He hissed at her a slight, trying to hold back as much as he could. The Redhead shook her head disheartened slightly, "you know what Mike? Just forgot I ever said anything." She sighed once more before looking at the boy and then walking in the other direction. "What?" He yelled after her, a confused look spread across his face. "no, Max stop!" He yelled once more. Shaking his head as he knew that wasn't going to stop her, "Maxine!" He yelled, thus getting her attention.

The boy made his way towards her slowly, a pit forming in his stomach, along side of a slight pain from his chest as he heard the girl sob softly. "Oh Max", he said empathetically wrapping his hard around her, bringing her into a tight embrace. "Don't cry." He gently said as he stroked the girl softly, letting her sob into his chest. "This was just our first argument as a couple, it's okay. There's no need to cry."  After realising what Mike had just said the redhead emerged from his chest, smiling brightly at him. "I thought you said you didn't want to put a label on it?" She spoke with a giggle, with out a doubt making the sides of the boys lips curl up; forming a sweet grin as a slight chuckle escaped his lips. "Well shit," he paused. Ruffling her long fiery locks with his fingers ever so slightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2021 ⏰

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