Just a kiss.. or two.

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A shocked max looked over in the direction of the door and then back to the boy in front of her, "what are we going to do?" she asked in concern. Before the raven haired boy could respond, a voice came from the other side of the room. "You do realise I just saw that too, right? Lucas spoke gently. Making his presence in the room known. "Shit" Mike spat, as he shook his head.

Two weeks passed and things were far from normal, nobody had heard from El since that afternoon. Mike huffed slightly as he looked over to the small bowl cut haired boy next to him. "You really fucked up you know?" he asked rhetorically. Mike answered anyways. "I know Will, I know. I just couldn't help myself," he paused. "I just couldn't let her think I hated her." Will let out a long sigh, "I just wish you didn't have to do it so publicly." He responded, shaking his head as he got up from the small table they were seated at. "Are you coming?" his attention now drawn to the raven haired boy, no response. "I'll see you later than?" he said raising a brow at the boy. Mike just nodded, not giving the small boy any attention. "Bye" Will spoke in a soft tone as he walked away.

Max stood next to Lucas' locker as he rummaged through it slightly, "what you did wasn't very girlfriendly of you." he spat obviously still upset over what had happened. "I know, Lucas. I know in all honesty I do like you, just I don't think in that way" the girl responded in a soft tone as he slammed his locker. "Figured that when you let my best friend kiss you, twice." She shook her head slightly, "hence why I have come to talk to you. To apologies. What I did wasn't the nicest and I'm sorry." She said with her full attention on the boy.

If you were to walk the halls at the time of this conversation, I'm pretty sure you could feel the anger coming off of the boy. "Sorry? That's all you got?" he asked in an obviously annoyed and hurt tone. Before max could respond the boy shook his head at her, "you know what forget it. Just go away." Max nodded at the boy and apologized one last time before turning away from the boy and walking towards the doors.

As the red headed girl walked out the back doors of the school and onto the courtyard, she knocked into someone or something as she cussed silently to herself. "I'm so sorry" she stated as she quickly noticed it was a someone and not a something. The person got up from the ground and dusted themselves off, "its fine Max" they responded, smiling at the girl. Max smiled back guiltily "still Will, I'm sorry" she added. The boy shook his head. "It's fine, really. I'm fine" he continued to smile at the girl "but hey, I was actually coming to look for you. Have you spoken to Mike since the whole thing went down?" he questioned raising a brow at her. She shook her head. "He walked me home that night and that's the last time I saw him pretty much" she responded frowning slightly. "Why?" she added, tilting her head at him. "Just wondering. Maybe you should go talk to him? Figure shit out?" he responded with a shrug and then pointed at the dark haired boy sitting alone.

Mike turned his head slightly as he heard footsteps approaching, "Will I'm fine. I don't need you hanging around, okay!" the boy said harshly. "Oh crap, max I'm so sorry. I thought you were Will" he continued as he noticed the girl. She laughed slightly, shrugging her shoulders as she sat herself next to him. "It's okay mike." She responded with a nod. "So?" he asked, raising his brows. "Are you finding it hard to be around me?" As soon as those words left the girls lips Mike shook his head, "no that's not why I'm avoiding you" he admitted. "Then why are you?" she said, the expression on her face slightly sad.

The boy shook his head once more, "I just feel weird. Like every time I see you I get this ticklish feeling in my stomach that just won't go away" he paused, looking down at his hands. "And, I'm scared of what you might say. You never really did tell me how you felt about everything that was happening," he said in a soft tone as he looked up at her slightly. Waiting for her response. The ends of the girl's lips curled up into a small smile, "if what you're trying to ask is if I like you, the answer is yes. I thought me kissing you back and I initiating that kiss at my door step would have told you that." Max chuckled placing her hand slightly atop of Mikes.

The pair got knocked out of thought as a familiar voice shouted their names. "Mike, Max. There you guys are, I was looking for you." The curly headed boy said as he approached the table, making mike move his hand from max's touch. Resulting in her attention being brought to mike. "Here we go again" she whispered to herself. "Hey Dustin" Mike and Max said in unison, Dustin laughed at the pair and sat across from them. Placing the blue bucket next to him. "Oh god you still have that thing!" The raven haired boy said in disgust, shaking his head. He shrugged. "Well yeah why wouldn't I? Science purposes" Dustin respond in a 'you should know this' type of tone. "Anyways, I didn't come here to talk to you about dart 2.0, I came here to talk to you about Halloween. As you both should know it is two weeks away and I would really like for the party to be back together before then so, you guys need to sort whatever you guys are out right now for me so then I can start working on Lucas to be okay with it." He added grinning slightly at the two in front of him. Mike and Max frowned and turned to each other, "well" Mike said biting his bottom lip.

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