Hit and Fall in Love

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HitandFallin Love

Chapter 1

June 4

Its the end of the summer and back to my highschool life at the age of 14 currently 2nd year highschool in Japan. i guess im a foreigner here.. no not really coz I'm a half Japanese and half American. I live on my own since I'm 10 years old. My parents and siblings lived on the other region that's why I'm home alone. I'm used to this kind of situation though. I'm a low energy person so I don't do harsh things, maybe it could lead me into death seriously.

well, I'm on my way to school ridding a bus. its really hot this days and I hate it . I've been sweating for minutes and it stinks! this is the first day of school so I should be neat and clean! but the temperature ruined it. it sucks.

Before I arrived, curiosity came unto me. "what am I gonna do in my class room? would I make friends?"

I'm sure to my self that I'm nervous.

dang! I'm not good in making friends! I'm not a chitchat type person. this is going to be a disaster.

I'll think of that later .. I have to find my section first but this school is huge! oh crap I'll be late at this rate!

I went to the bulletin board for the school map until I found where my room is. when I notice..

its 200 steps away!! could I make it on time? err.. I don't have much time. I ran and make my way to my room but these crowds are slowing me! too many people coming from my way! "this is so bad" I repeated continuously until I saw a light coming from an exit. I feel like I won on a bet! I was like a football player at that time, I push my self through but then suddenly I hit someone. oh crap its a girl! oh sh*t why did it came up unto this?

I grabbed her hand gently and put up her things. "sorry miss I didn't saw you coming in way. I was in a hurry so.. I rushed for my life with these bunch of crowds" I said with an apologetic face. "err its okay I'm not badly hurt. apologies accepted. by the way.. did u just said run for your life?" she answered while fixing her things.

"umm.. haha yeah. I'll be dead if I'll go late in my class." I replied.

"class? right now? but the opening ceremony is about to start?" she said while trying to put her laughter off.

"O-opening ceremony? o-oh yah I forgot ! haha! well.. where will be the ceremony held to?" I asked while embarrassed. "you seems to be new here huh? follow these crowds and you'll be there. I'm heading there too so lets walk along."

what am I doing? I've been stupid in this first day of school! i didnt even noticed that I'm the only one coming with an opposite direction. how could I forgot such an important thing? I even manage to push through with those large crowds. Wait, What? With this low energy lifestyle, I cant survive in that kind of thing! well it looks like miracles do exist.

So, the ceremony just finished and all students are ordered to go in their class rooms. "hey, umm you haven't told me your name." I said.

"oh right, I'm Jane Parker and you?"

"Mark. Mark Daniels."

"Nice to meet you Mark! thanks for hitting me in the hall way." she teased.

"ohh Hahaha I didn't mean to do that anyway, what section are you Jane?" I asked before we leave the Gym.

"Class 2-B and you?"

"Class 2-A. never thought we're neighbors why don't we just walk together?"

"haha yah okay" our conversation ended there despite, we fell awkward on getting along on each other.

"are you new here?" I broke the silence.

"umm yeah hehe" she answered while looking straight of the way.

"do you live in this tow—" the teacher cut me off "boy, this way."

so we're separated and I smiled at her when we were about to enter our class room. I had nothing to do in my room but to look outside from the window. I think I slept enough for an hour but I feel sleepy. I noticed Jane and I had the same nationality well it sounds great. then, the first period just ended and we were told to join clubs after this.. I wonder what club would Jane be joining. but then a voice came on my head "well I guess you have to join the simplest club and it would be better for your low energy lifestyle" that was my uncle's.

I head to the club list and look for a simple club then I found this 'Classics Club' Am I in a manga or what?


I guess its a short entrance hahaha hope you guys enjoy the first chapter. don't worry coz the next up coming chapter would be long :)


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