Chapter 10

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"wow. you're really awesome Haruka-chan!" Jane said with joy. "Gosh don't flatter too much. Hehehe you sound like flattering around" haruka murmured. "no I'm not. your awesome and I mean it!" Jane said with a big smile. I rolled my eyes. if something bad happened to them. I'll be the one to blame. Sh!t I should be responsible for them. screw this.

"well well. we have to make different roles. plan alone won't make any progress without a role ya know?" seto said while crossing his arms in his chest. "Genius" ayaka mumbled.

"hmm let's start. who'll play as a decoy?" haruka said. "throat slasher targets rich people so I bet Jane is suited for that role." seto said and act like he boasted that he's a genius. "Genius" ayaka said once again. why is seto's being Genius right now? "I'll play as the look out." yuki suggested. "hey why are you choosing the safest job? are you a Man? you should give that role to girls" seto speaked again. "Genius!" ayaka said with a loud voice. "don't have to repeated that twice or more coz I know I am." seto rolled his eyes and crossed his arms toward his chest. "just kidding" ayaka pointed her tongue towards seto. "why you—" seto annoyingly said. "I'll play as jane's hero. well ill be in charge on taking that bitch down." I said and sighed. everyone got their roles and planned to make a setup and called the police for back up. I can't believe that police officers just accompanied with us.. we're just students, highschool students. "ops time to leave! see you tomorrow guys!" yuki shouted and waved his hands and so others followed him. only I and Jane is left in the room. I wish to break the silence but it would be better if I don't. "hey, mark..I.." Jane broke the silence! deym! "huh? w-what is it?"

"Mark I..I.." Jane is acting strange lately.

"what is it Jane? something wrong?"

"I .. wanted to tell you something." she said and turned around to... not letting me see she's blushing? nah... probably not.

"oh. okay go ahead." I gulped being confused. sweats just went down.

I love you. I bet thats what she wanted to tell you.

you.. fuck off.

okay . -.- damn consciousness..

"hey you guys!! what are you doing to this room this late! the building will be closing next 2 minutes! get outa here!" the building inspector just showed up and just vanished out of nowhere.


"umm.. hey Jane.. I think we have to get going." I said

"umm hmm.. I see" she just smiled.

[Jane's P.O.V]

Shoot I can't Do this.. I'm afraid. I don't want to ruin our friendship but.. I can't hold back my self from.. urgh..

"hey Jane, umm.. 1 week to go!" Mark said with a big smile while making our way out.

"eh?huh? w-what do you mean by 1week to go?" I asked while thinking what he meant.

"huh??? oh.. you're no fun.." he pouted like a child. "next week will be our school festival!" he said with an overjoyed expression. "I'm sure it would be so much fun! I'm so excited ! I can't wait! hey can we try all the booths from our school? it would be fun! well I think our club is going to participate in our school event!" he said loudly with a big smile. "haha umm.. yeah I'm sure it is.. we'll enjoy our selves that day! umm.. you said our club will be participating huh? well it depends on you.. haha" I just said with a closed mouthed smile.

"hehe!" he chuckled. "umm well.. um.. about what you wanted to say.. umm what is it?" wtf he asked! I thought he have forgotten after all those overjoyed expression.

"well umm. I just wanted to tell you to be aware and be careful. the slasher might be around sneaking so.. that's why." I lied :(

"oh haha so thats it. I think it would be better If you'd be more careful for now." he stared at me. oh my gods he's going to melt me inside! >\\\<

"ah well yeah your right . I see " I smiled back to him. "umm well . mark there's one more thing that I wanted to tell you." I said.

"hmm? what is it?" he asked.

"my parents are moving out to this town but they don't want me to transfer any school since its the middle of the year.. and.." I didn't finished.

"and?" he said preparing his ears to listen it carefully.

"myparentswantsyoutotakecareandlivewithyou!" I said rapidly straight.

"whaaaaat? say it properly.." he said clearing his ears.

"my parents wants you to take care and live with you!" I said blushing. it was the worst embarrassing thing to say!

"whaaaa-!!!" he shouted and cleared his throat. he stared at me . he met my green sea eyes.. his gaze fall upon my eyes. he's blushing and so do I.

"how could your parents trust me so fast?" he asked being confused.

"how? well you sleep a lot in our house you stray dog!" I said suppression my mixed emotion.

"so what's the connection?"

"duh.. we've been friends for 8 months! and your a good person. I know and they know you won't harm and touch me." I said

"w-wha-what? woah be careful to your words! you think I'm a pervert! damn I'm not!" he said embarrassingly. I bursted out laughing while he just pouted and murmured.


End of the chapter.

Author's Note:

hi guys! I really need your support and votes. I also need your opinion. I feel down when only few appreciate my works. I may not continue this as well. but I still love you guys! :* VOTE and COMMENT and SHARE! :D


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