Chapter 11

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Clary's POV

My last name echoed through my head like a shout into a cave.

Morgenstern, Morgenstern, Morgenstern.

"Shut up!" I hissed savagely pressing my hands to either side of my head as if holding it from splitting open.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Jace demanded, his voice cool and hard, just like my father's. His face flashed through my mind in short bright bursts of salt colored hair and coal colored eyes.

"Stop!" I cried falling to my knees and completely ignoring his question. His questioning was nothing compared to the disaster in my mind.

"Clary?" Simon and Sebastian asked in unison. I cried out as the images burned brighter and lasted longer playing out scenes.

Him dragging me and Sebastian down a grey cobblestone street towards a fancy looking apartment. Black.

His face contorted and morphed from the tears in my eyes as he shoved my brother and I into a room. Black.

Sebastian flinging a blade at Valentine only to have him turn around and pluck it out from the air as if he was picking something up off a table. He placed it back on the shelf of books and walked out of the room with no words. Black.

"STOP!" I screeched my cries piercing through the silent night like a knife and causing everyone to rush into panic. Even Jace helped pick up my shuddering form and carry me into the Institute. I saw Simon's pained face as he stood on the steps not able to go any farther.

The scenes stopped, but before I could even start to feel relief I was screeching.

What seemed like thousands of voices burst through my head like a symphony of agony. They screamed and bellowed throughout my mind bouncing off the walls of my skull.

Clary! They hissed viciously, taunting me.

Clarissa, look at me! I am your father wether you want it or not!

I screamed and I felt a sharp pain above my ear and Valentine's enraged face appeared on the backs of my eyelids.

Join me, we will rule. We will be a family of pure power. The Clave will seem like nothing when our army is ready.

My hand jerked back and slammed into my temple harshly and I felt my mind begin to quiet. The shouts turned to whispers and soon I heard nothing.

I was still shaking violently as I forced my eyes open. I couldn't hear anything but a hollow, roaring noise.

Through my blurred vision I could see Isabelle clutching a phone, her mouth moving quickly next to the speaker, her free hand caught in the hair at her temple. I looked over and saw Alec doing the same, but more calmly than Isabelle. Jace was nowhere in sight.

Someone's face hovered above me and I flinched back my mouth opening to scream, but I didn't hear the noise. Salt white hair and black eyes was all I saw.

My mouth closed when I realized it was Sebastian. His face was twisted into a pained and terrified expression tears running down his face. His hand was clutching both of mine and I realized I was on my side.

My breaths came too fast as I looked over at the table next to my bed. My family ring lay there the huge M mocking me and luring the whispers back in.

I could suddenly hear everyone's voices. Sebastian was pleading for me to stay with him, Alec's was urgently telling someone what was going on, and Isabelle's was too rapid and shrill for me to decipher what she was saying.

Before I could slip into the darkness everything went silent. No roaring or shouts or whispers but one.

I am coming.


Being unconscious was an odd thing for me. Maybe it was like this for everybody.

I felt pressure along parts of my body and then it went to a different part of me, like someone was checking me over. Probably was.

I could feel a pressure on my fingertips and I knew automatically it was my brother. We always knew when the other was close, we had a connection. I wanted to squeeze back to comfort him in some way, but my body refused to listen to my mind.

I struggled and struggled growing scared when I felt myself losing my breath, as if the oxygen was being sucked out of my lungs. I tried to relax but soon I couldn't feel Sebastian's hand anymore and I couldn't feel the smooth rush of air enter my lungs.

I tried to relax again. I couldn't.

I let out a soundless scream as I slipped.

Sorry for the chapter being so short I just wanted to update for you guys because I reached 1.5k reads and over 50 votes on this story!!! WOW!!! I love you guys so much for being such faithful and amazing readers!!

Please go check out my new project Quotes and Stories. The title pretty much sums it up and I'll be updating it regularly!! Thank you my Lil Dumplings!! Have an amazing night/day!!!

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