Chapter 9

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Clary's POV

As soon as I made sure that Sebastian was fine and he had everything he needed I headed towards my room. We never did get to decorating it, so that would just have to wait until another day.

I opened the door and dropped my bags to the floor with a loud thunk that didn't even stir the two boys sleeping on my bed.

Max and Jace were sprawled across the bare mattress, limbs entangled and overlapping. Max's hand was fisted in the back of Jace's shirt as if scared to let him go. His glasses were askew and I heard a soft crack. I sighed and carefully snatched them off of his face remembering how I did this with Simon when we were younger, before he became what he is.

Jace's arm was wrapped around Max's back one of his legs twisted in both of Max's. I felt like I was intruding even though it was my room. They looked too vulnerable and Jace's face no longer carried the arrogant and cocky features of a smirk and the quirk of an eyebrow, but it was completely slack, his lips were parted softly a small trace of saliva in the corner of his mouth.

His face was soft and it made him look as young as Max. My heart warmed up the slightest bit, seeing that he wasn't some pretentious asshole who thought the world revolved around him, he only acted that way.

I sighed turning to leave and accidentally kicking one of my bags open. Unfortunately, it wasn't the one filled with papers and blankets, but the one with all my makeup and nail polish. The plastic and glass tubes scattered across the hardwood floors causing an overly loud rattling noise to sound through the room.

"Shh!" I hissed as if it would help. Before I knew it Jace was off the bed with a seraph blade in his hand pointed straight at me.

"Sorry, sorry! I was leaving and-" I stopped when I saw the expression on his face. It was a little...scared. Why would he be scared? Surely, not because there might have been an attacker, no, he was much too experienced to be scared anymore.

"How long have you been in here?" He demanded his face returning to a hard mask. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Not long I was just leav-" he turned away from me abruptly. I expected him to go back to Max but he just stood with his back to me for a few moments.

"Um, if you're still tired I can leave." I said quietly but there was no answer. It took a while for him to shake off his statue like posture, but when he did he just left the room without a word.

I stared at the closed door for a few moments then shook my head. Too much had happened during the day for me to process anything else. Yawning I made my way towards Max trying to avoid making contact with any bottles of polish and makeup.

"Max, hey." I whispered shaking him until he opened his eyes.

"Mmm?" He mumbled curling in on himself and rubbing his eyes.

"Come on, let's get you in your bed." I said pulling on his arm and tucking his glasses in my back pocket. He slowly rolled until his feet were near the ground and fell off the bed.

"Umph!" I grunted as I cushioned his fall and he landed on my stomach.

"Sorry," he mumbled and I laughed pulling us back up and heading towards the door. I managed to get it open and spotted Alec walking down the hall.

"Alec!" I wheezed. My small body was not exactly very good at supporting things. He looked toward us and his eyes widened in absolute terror face draining of any color.

"What happened?!" he cried and I was quick to reassure him.

"Don't worry, he's asleep, I'm trying to get him back to his room." Max had fallen asleep once again and Alec scooped him up in his arms easily. I followed him down the halls.

"So, did you like Magnus." I couldn't stop myself from asking. It had gotten a little awkward as we walked silently down the corridor. We rounded a corner and I looked up when he didn't answer. He was blushing.

"Um, yeah. He's okay, I guess." I rolled my eyes when he kicked open a door exposing a room filled with magazines and a huge bed with a dark blue comforter.

"Alec, you know what I mean." I sighed pulling back the covers so he could set Max down. Max automatically curled against the bed and I smiled tucking the blankets around him.

"No I don't." He snapped. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I'm not blind Alec. Ha, get it because we have the Sight-"

"By the angel!" he groaned as I snorted with laughter.

"Did Izzy tell you?" He asked after I was done. I shook my head.

"Like I said. I can just tell." I shrugged as we left the room quietly. We walked slowly down the halls so that we would have time to talk.

"You can't-"

"I know. The Clave would just..." I trailed off not knowing what else to say.

"They don't understand that people can fall in love with anyone." His eyes glazed over and I knew he was thinking about Jace. I felt bad for him, knowing his love was unrequited.

"So, I saw Magnus eyeing you." I winked at him and he blushed scarlet looking down so his hair fell into his eyes.

"He's a little too glittery for me, don't you think?" Alec looked a little flustered and shy, showing the young boy under the facade of a man.

"Behind all the glitter there is a wild beast ready to be ridden." Alec looked positively mortified and began to walk away quickly shaking his head and muttering.

"I was joking! Alec!" He sighed slowing down just enough that I jogged forward and met him down the hall.

"Well, maybe he will agree to like a date sort of thing if-"

"Clary, he is really out of my league. And he's a warlock. Imagine if my parents found out I was gay and dating a Downworlder!" I put a hand on his shoulder not knowing what else to say. I wonder how it felt to be who you really were, only to be exiled out of the one thing you were born to be.

"I'll ask him, okay?" Alec didn't answer but he didn't protest either.

"Is there someone else?" I knew there was I just wanted to see if he trusted me enough to admit it.

"No. There isn't." He answered quickly. Too quickly. Apparently, we aren't the bestest of friends yet.


"Clary! There you are!" I looked up to see Isabelle jogging towards us her boots making loud sounds against the floor.

"What's going on here?" She asked quizzically an eyebrow raised as she looked between us.

"We were just talking about Magnus." I dragged out his name long enough to make Alec blush and glare at me. Isabelle smirked and stared at Alec.

"Oh, really? We'll be discussing that later."

"We'll be discussing what later?" Jace asked swaggering into the room. We avoided eye contact, not even acknowledging the others presence. Or as I could. Jace wasn't an easy person to ignore.

"Nothing. But Clary, come on he's waiting!" Isabelle gripped my wrist firmly half pulling half dragging me towards the front doors.

"Who?" I asked irritably pulling myself free and walking next to her.

"Don't know, but he is edible." She gained a wicked looking glint in her eyes and I rolled my eyes cracking a smile.

She pulled the doors open with a grunt to reveal a tall lean form.


Finally! I did it! I'm so sorry to keep you guys waiting but I have a lot of stuff on my plate right now. Sorry if it sucks but I wanted to reward you all for your hard work in getting me over 500 reads on this story and lots of votes! I would have updated days ago but my damn phone kept deleting my drafts so yeah. I need a laptop. :(

Thanks for reading my lovelies and this time I'll update after 5 comments! I love you, until next time!

Oh, also do you guys no any good songs? Comment below!

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