List Number Two: 'He' and 'He too'

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Bee's Point of View:

The bell chimed indicating that someone enter my shop. I stand up straight infront of the counter and focus my vision to the person.

VI, initials for Visual Impairments is a decreased ability to see to a degree that causes problems not fixable by usual means such as glasses. Many of my customers think that I'm blind when I'm actually blin- I mean VI.

The term blindness is used for complete of vision loss so, excuse me.

I can still see but it's blurry so I'm using this very eyes to detect my customer's gender wether they're a male or a female just so I know what to call them; Mr. or Mrs.

I can't just go around like; "Hey customer!" and what if I have a few customer (which is not likely to happen). Should I call them like; "Customer 1, you can find instant tea beside this room and Customer 2, matcha tea is the most approved by customer 76 here."

No, I should not.

Moving on, I focused my vision to the person who just stepped in into my shop.

It's a He.

"Welcome to Bee's Tea Shop!" I said with a grin. The bell of the door chimed again, indicating another person coming into my shop. I focused on the new person.

It's a He too.

The only difference is 'He' is wearing a long coat that reached his knee and 'He too' is wearing a cap. I smiled, "Welcome to Bee's Tea Shop!"

'He' approached me and put his left arm on my counter and wave his hand infront me. Me, being totally offended asked, "Excuse me, can I help you?"

He clears his throat and put his hand away from the counter. With a hard voice, but not harsh; he asked, "I heard that your Matcha Tea is the best but all I see here is Black Tea and Strawberry Flavoured Tea."

I put my hands on my lap, "Matcha Tea is at the Instant Tea Corner just a room beside, you can also find a Tea Sachet that we ordered from New Zealand, the aroma is-" I closed my eyes, pretending to smell the aroma of the tea, "-delicacy."

"We?" 'He' asked, his voice doesn't sound impressed from my offer.

"Oui?" I asked back, not understanding his one word question. "I heard you work alone here, why 'we'?"

I look at him with a small hint of annoyance, 'He' is still my customer after all. "I once work with my grandparents, so I got used to using 'we' instead of 'me'." I said, explaining to him as he nod a few times. "Aaah."

"I've tasted Asian's Tea, all I want is Matcha-the other shop is out of it and I found yours here." He said, walking towards the Instant Tea Section as I scoffed at him.

I look at 'He too' as he was busy looking at the flavoured tea sachets. I was about to sit down as I noticed him lowering his cap and walking towards me in a rush.

I stand up, ready to answer any of his question as he took out an unfamiliar shiny object from his leather jacket pocket. This unfamiliar object looks sharp- so I figured it was a small knife.

He whispers in a rushing voice, "Now you listen to me, if you scream or try to do anything funny I will make sure that you will never get to see again, you should be grateful that you still have your vision."

I narrowed my eyes at him, knowing what he's going to do. He continues, "Take all of your money that you have and give me all your Matcha Sachets, I love Matcha."

I raised my eyebrows as I walk towards the edge of the counter, pretending to take out the money from my money jar when I'm actually taking out my blind stick- ready to attack him.

"It seems like you're in no luck, I'm buying all the Matcha Sachets." 'He' suddenly came and 'He too' quickly turns his head towards him; startled by his voice.

As 'He too' was distracted- I screamed and pull out my blind stick, hitting him on his head left and right, double hit! He winced in pain and let go of his knife to massage the part of his head that I hit.

I took a deep breath and let go of my blind stick as I charged towards 'He too' with another scream and tackle him down. I spread my leg and hold my arms around his neck, choking him- like Undertaker.

He feels the pain as he continuously punch the floor and I smile in victory.

At least that was what I imagined.

I took out my blind stick, hitting him on his head once making him flinched and dropped his knife. I approached him and let go of my blind stick and predicted his height. Then I kicked him where the sun didn't shine as he screamed in pain.

I wished I could do it in a way of what I imagined, that'd be way cooler.

I crossed my arms and smirked, feeling absolutely amazed by myself. Maybe I should take a fighting class. I wonder to myself.

I was about to make an emergency call when a hand grabbed my shoulder, making me flinched.

My legs got the drill and before I knew it, I kick that person where the sun didn't shine? If that person have one?

His scream tells me that he definitely have one. I flinched at his scream, only to realize that the person was actually 'He'.

"You just hurt my special part." 'He' said with a hint of pain while 'He too' groaned and cuss a lot.

Two man is lying down in agony on my floor shop, trying to stop the pain by holding their 'special part'.

I want to feel sorry but I'm not sorry.



so this book was actually inspired by a movie I watched; Two Lights Rellumino. It's not really the same, only the VI.

I hope that no one will get sensitive by my content. If I made a mistake in explaining about VI please tell me so, I don't want readers to get a wrong idea.

Anyway, I'm excited for this book!
-dreamymr, M

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