I'll See You Soon....

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Note: A little angst, a little fluff, dunno up to you. (Oh btw I'll be using Souji instead of Yu this time) Also I haven't finished P4 yet so this might be inaccurate, but whatever. This is also related to Persona Q, so if you haven't played, watched or read, that spin-off game, GO DO IT! It's really good! Best spin-off game ever!
It was late at night, Souji was walking to his dorm, when he heard a whisper in the wind. He quickly turned around to see what, or who, did that, but no one was there, so he kept walking.
It has been about 2 years since he was in Yasogami High and he missed his friends so he planned a meet-up, he was going to go shopping with the others after dinner, but then decided just to go home.
He felt something........... Missing, from his high school years. Like there was a part he couldn't remember but wanted to remember.... Like a dream he forgot about when he woke up.
Souji had all these thoughts and emotions, so just decided to go home.
Soft cold wind filled the air as Souji was walking to his dorm....... As if he was hearing whispers.
He heard a faint voice say, "How're you doing today Souji?" , he jumped and quickly turned around, that voice sounded so familiar but couldn't place a finger on it. He just turned around and kept walking.
He kept walking, more cautious than ever, the trees rustling as the wind blows harder.
The red and orange sunset was also there, making the world around Souji peaceful..... yet ominous.

Souji finally reached his dorm, closing the door behind him, he went to his room. He checked his phone for any important stuff.................. Nope. Just text messages from his friends saying 'thanks'.
As he walked to his wardrobe to change his clothes, when he saw a note taped on the very back of his closet. 'Dsvm droo blf svzi nv? -Nrmzgl'. That's what it said.
When he saw this he was so confused that he started to cry, he didn't know why but his brain was just saying so. He wiped his eyes and read the note again, it was coded.
Souji went on his laptop and searched for codes, mostly ciphers, he found Atbash Cipher, he tried the code, and it worked! The real message said, 'When will you hear me? -Minato' .
"Minato? What or who the hell is Minato? Wait.......... this name sounds familiar but...... I can't......... remember....." Souji contemplated, he was confused, so, so, confused.
Minato's P.O.V.

Souji was there, sitting on his desk, he was thinking, I could feel he was confused. I was on his bed, well the spirit of me anyway. I wanted to talk to him, I really did, but I couldn't. It hurt, it hurt that I only regained these memories when I died, I hate this. Why doesn't he remember? Why can't any of them remember? Why? Why? Why? I already knew why, but still.
I start sobbing, I tried to hold back my tears but I couldn't, I loved him. It hurt that I couldn't be with him, I'm dead after all.
"Hello? Is anyone there? Why can I hear soft crying?" Souji turned to look at me, well technically he looked at his bed, he can't see me.
"S-Souji? Can you h-hear m-me? P-Please listen!" I start to stutter, tears still rolling down my non-existent face.
"Who....... Who are you? Why are you here? Why can I hear you? Are you....... Are you Minato?" Souji was confused, as for me, I was just there, staring into his eyes.
"Y-Yes! I am Minato. Do you remember me? You may not see me.......... but I'm here. Do you remember the events of......... Zen and Rei?" I try and make him remember, remember the times me and him were a team, the times where we fought together, the time we technically got............ married, and the picture, the picture we took a long time ago when we were hanging out at the 'culture festival'.
"I don't know.......... I knew I was missing something from my high school years but......... I didn't know what....... Was it, those events that you just said. Are you a relative that I don't know, or something?." Souji was so cute, but I can't get distracted because of that.
"Haha, no. But I am one of your friends, we were partners before, you were the leader and I was the 'vice leader', the Investigation Team and the S.E.E.S. worked together to get out of that other world. We got out and that's when we all lost our memories." I said in a soft voice, I didn't want to scare him but.......... I really wanted to make him remember.
Souji stayed silent, I was over there, having an anxiety attack, good thing he couldn't see me, otherwise I'd probably die even more than I already am dead.
"I don't know............ If I can believe you. I mean........ I can't even see you........." Souji said, his eyes were blank, but I knew emotions were running through his head. I sighed.
I stay quiet.... then, I get an idea.
"Hey um, I have this one power that gives you something physical that doesn't exist, but I can only use it one time, I'll use it this one time, for you." I had this power for a long time, when I died, Igor told me, I thought I had no use for it...... until now.
As I was charging up my power (wow that sounded really stupid) Souji interrupted me.
"Wait! Isn't this an important thing!? Why are you using it for me!?" Souji exclaimed, he doesn't notice how much he means to me.
Third Person P.O.V.

Minato stared at Souji's blank eyes, even though Souji couldn't see him, he still could feel him.
"I-I want to this for you, I don't really need it, but now I do." Minato was desperate, desperate to make him remember.
".......... Okay, why not?" Souji's curiosity go to him, he wondered what the object was going to be.

Wind filled the air, even if they were in Souji's dorm, it was windy. The breeze filled the air, Minato was concentrating really hard on this.
A light flashed. Souji closed his eyes, it was shining too brightly. Then all of a sudden......
"H-hey, Souji. Do...... Do you see the object in front of you? Grab it and take a look at it........" Minato saying softly, he was scared if he hurt him.
"M-Minato? Is that you? I can..... I can see you! I mean technically it's your ghost, but I can see you!" Souji exclaimed, he was so surprised that he could see this voice that's been talking to him.
"W-wait........ You can see me!? Igor didn't tell me anything about this!" Minato was so happy, but still, he felt something very wrong resonating in him.
"B-but, can you see anything in front of you?" Minato was stuttering, he usually doesn't do this, but only now he does.
"Yeah. This photo?" Souji was curious, he grabbed it and flipped it around...................
He saw the Investigation Team and some other people in the photo, they were...... Having fun? Carefully, he examined the photo. He saw Minato, and also Margret and Marie, his Velvet Room assistants, and they were just..... Having fun too? He was confused.
Minato was nervously sweating on his non-existent body, trying to keep his straight face like before, he can keep a straight, emotionless face in front of his friends, but not Souji. Souji was still examining the photo very carefully.
"Minato. Minato Arisato....... Is that your name?" Souji was starting to remember, slowly but surely.
"........." Minato was quiet, too quiet for Souji's liking.
"Hey, Minato? Are you okay?" Souji asking Minato. Minato was still very quiet. Souji tried to touch his shoulder, but phased into him, only Souji could see him after all, and Minato is just a ghost now, he doesn't have any physical features.
"Oh..... Ha ha......... Minato? Please answer....." Souji was worried, his now known friend is acting strange.
Minato just was standing there, he sat down on Souji's bed again, he started.......... crying?
"M-Minato! Are you okay!?" Souji tried to touch him, again, it just phased through Minato.
"..................I.................you............... You actually remember???" Minato wiped his non-existent tears off his non-existent face.
"Kinda. It's vague but, I'm remembering bits and pieces. I'm trying though!" Souji explained, he was forcing himself too much to remember.
"Don't force yourself . You should go to sleep for now. I'm happy that you just...... remember." Minato smiled softly, he felt relieved.
"Are you sure? I mean it's not that late, and I can still stay up." Souji insisted on staying up, but Minato shaked his head.
"No, it's fine I swear, besides, I'll watch over you when you sleep." Minato was pulling his short, he was thinking to himself 'Why the hell did I say I would watch over him when he sleeps? That's so creepy.', and was sweating.
"I would usually be creeped out by that statement, but somehow I'm not, so I guess." Souji shrugged and went to the bathroom to change his clothes.

"Minato.......? Where are you? I guess- I guess he left....... He did say he was going to watch me sleep. So I won't worry that much....." Souji looked around but didn't see Minato, he didn't worry too much though, he knew Minato was there, somewhere.

As Souji was sleeping Minato was sitting right beside him, watching him, so he doesn't get hurt.
"I'll see you soon....... Souji...." Minato was now at peace.

Oof, that was long, not really angsty though, DISCLAMER. Haha, sorry for the late update. I'm in the US of A right now and I had no wifi for the past few days...... That sucked. So yeah sorry everyone. Next update will have Minato being ALIVE, yay. Also one more thing...... Seriously Atlus......? Seriously? Ren Amamiya? Oh my God..... If you didn't know, Mama Mia over here is the new name of the P5 Protag........ I LIKE AKIRA MORE AND I WILL ALWAYS DO! Oof, that was too much of a rant, oh worm. Anyways, it's 12:40 AM, and I should go to sleep..... Byeaaaaaaa~

Edit 11/5/18: This makes absolutely no sense? How is Minato here? The power of love or some BS? Also, how did Igor give Minato that power thingy? Why didn't I explain this?

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