What Is This Feeling?

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Note: I'm using Yu now, again, this is the last time I remind you all. Also Minato is ALIVE which is good. Minato's age is 19, Yu's is 17.
It was the middle of the day. Minato was walking to the supply store, it was for his project in his art minor. It doesn't fit him, he knows that, but for some reason he wanted to. It's a hard job, yeah, but he was determined to do so, he fought a literal unbeatable monster and won, so it couldn't be as hard as that. He's already in the Second Year of college, and it wasn't that hard.

Minato walked into the supply store and.......... he felt an aura. A boy stopped the second he felt the aura, almost like he was feeling it too. He and the boy had locked eyes. The boy had white or silver hair, looked about 17, and had an almost bowl cut.

"Umm....... Hi?" The boy talked to Minato.
"................. Hi." Minato said with a stone face. He looked like he felt nothing on the outside, but on the inside he was having a panic attack.
"D-did you feel something when we walked past each other? I felt an aura." The white haired boy questioned, he was very pushy to Minato.
"Yeah." Minato's reply was short, like always.
"O-okay............... Bye? Um.... My name is Yu Narukami." Yu said nervously.
"Minato Arisato. I have to go now. Good bye." Minato walked to the art section of the store as of that sentence.
Yu looked at Minato walking for a second, then turned to the door and walked out.
'He looks kinda cute.' They both said in their minds.

Minato was done buying things for his project when suddenly, his sister arrived.
"Hey~!" A cheerful tone struck from her voice, her name was Hamuko Arisato, the last member of his family. She went with him in Tartarus and adventured with the S.E.E.S., she was the vice leader, Minato was the leader.
"Hi." Minato keeping the poker face and not telling what he just felt.
"Soooooooo, I happened to pass by this really cool dining place aaaaaaaannnddd, I'm hungry." Hamuko getting straight to the point.
Minato checked his wallet for a second, then nodded. "But you have to promise to pay me back at least half." Hamuko always forgets to pay Minato back, but she nodded anyway.

"Hmmmmmmm, I want..... This one!" Hamuko said in excitement, she just REALLY loves food.
"I'll just share with you." Minato didn't really care what he ate, as long as it tastes good.
When the food arrived Hamuko stuffed her face. Minato ate slowly.
"MMMMMM, this tastes good!" Hamuko saying with food in her mouth.
"Yeah, I guess." Minato replied, shrugging.
"Soooooo-" Hamuko said grabbing even more food. "-I saw you talking to a grey haired guy in the supply store. Was he cute?" Hamuko saying straight forward, she stalked Minato in the weirdest of times.
Minato gave a death stare to his sister. "So you stalked me...... again." Minato glared at Hamuko. Hamuko felt the pressure growing in her stomach... or maybe it was the food, either way she tried to stay calm.
"Eh hehe. S-sorry. B-but! You didn't answer my question! Is. He. Cute?" Hamuko pushed on as she said that with a worried grin.
Minato waited, stared at Hamuko for a little. Then finally, he nodded, with his head turned back slightly.
Hamuko paused. This is the first time he actually admits something Hamuko thought. WOw thIS iS sooOOooO grEat! Hamuko squealed in her mind.
"Um........ May we go back to eating now?........ Please?" Minato said shyly, his face was really red.
"OoOoookay then~." Hamuko giggled.
Minato P.O.V

'Why am I blushing thinking about a guy I never even met before???' I thought. It was really unlikely that I'd do this kind of stuff but....... Why is it that now..... I'm feeling these feelings?
I sighed. Ugh, I can't even focus on eating right now. All I can think about is him. It's so annoying! Why does it feel like my heart is going to explode!?
"Hey,-" I looked up, only to see a worried face. Hamuko, having finished all of her food, was worried about why I wasn't eating. "-you haven't touched your food for a few minutes now..... are you okay?"
"Yeah, I am. I'm just not hungry anymore. Here, have the money. I need to work on my project soon. See you." I got up from my seat and walked to the door.
"W-wait! U-uh, never mind......" I heard Hamuko say, I felt bad but I don't have the time anyway. I really DO need to work on my project....................

............. but at this point, I'll probably end up thinking about him again........


Heyyyyyyy guys..... I'm so so sorry, laziness took over me and I'm kind of into other thing rn (South Park, LOZ, etc.) but Persona will always be my favorite game series. Anyway this is only part one of this one shot! Expect part two after the next one shot which will be released tomorrow (hopefully)! But yeah next chapter won't be part two, sorry but I have to keep suspense, you know? Anyway see you guys later! Bye!

Edit 5/1/18: Changed the name because it suits it better.
Edit 11/5/18: This one was okay, not bad, not good, just okay.
Edit 1/19/19: It's not a two parter anymore. I'm not continuing this one shot.

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