there should be more goddamn female protags ATLUS

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Note: I finally updated! Hope y'all are happy. See y'all. Also I'm doing this in second person because I'm a Homestuck. This will be my last update. I will be on other platforms from now on.

Actual Chapter Name: Nervous (Slight Ren x Hamuko)

Your name is Ren Amamiya, and holy shit are you scared. Why? Because you asked a girl out she actually said yes. You managed to do it decently too, even if your hands were sweating the whole time. She probably thought you were weird, which is fair but still makes you want to slam your head on the desk until you pass out.

You think this is probably some prank or maybe dream. You pinch yourself because of that thought. It is definitely not a dream. Which, unsurprisingly, makes you even more goddamn nervous. Your mind is chaotic right now. Thinking of what to wear, what to do and say, and most importantly; where to take her. Everyone knows that if you take your date to a shitty place the date is automatically ruined, or at least that's what you think. Who the hell knows at this point? Definitely not you, that's for sure.

You brush your hands through your hair and let out a breathy sigh. You really like this girl and you don't want to fuck this up. You already fuck up too much of your life, you should try not doing that to your love life. You'd still probably mess up in the long run, knowing you. So why try?

You fall down face first onto your bed, your heart still beating fast from thinking about it. You stay in that position for a while, until you decide to actually make the most out of this situation. You sit up and ponder your choices.

Okay, just take it one step at a time. First step: Where to go. A cat café maybe? Wait no, she likes dogs more. A fancy place? Hah, fat chance. You have no money. You settle for a nice ramen place you know. You love that place. It's a great aesthetic, great food, and cheap. That should most probably work out.

You're still fidgeting nervously. It's starting to annoy the hell out of you because you have little control over it.

Next step: What to wear. Should you wear a dress or would that be too extra? A skirt, maybe? You ponder over these decisions harder than any normal human being would do. Then again, you are far from normal. You decide that maybe you should calm the fuck down. You stand up and pace around the room, hoping you don't disturb Sojiro's customers downstairs. It's the first date so you should make it classy, but make it seem you're not trying too hard. You don't even have any nice clothes in the first place—

Wait. Shit.

Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh motherfucker on a stick. You are going to fly off the handle at any time now. You have no nice clothes. What the hell were you thinking? Just asking out a girl like that? Are you stupid? How high do you even have to be to do something like that? It would've been better if you were high, to be honest. At least then you'd have an excuse for your stupidity.

Okay, thinking time is now. You grab your phone and quickly scroll through your contacts, looking for someone willing to help, when you notice the voice of someone who'd be perfect for the job right downstairs. Ann Takamaki. Her voice was loud enough to reach your room. And you can sense that she's making fun of you with Sojiro.

She came by just to see you? Right now? This is perfect. Do not mess this up Ren, you dumb fuck.

You hear her voice come closer as she climbs up the stairs to the attic. She enters the room with a smile that immediately turns into a look of confusion. You then realize that you are a mess. An even bigger mess than you ever thought you were. She can probably see the panic on your face.

The look Ann gives you is confusion with a bit of amusement at the same time. "Um, Ren... Are you okay?" She snorts.

You chuckle nervously for a bit before you start flipping off the handle. "Haha, yeah. Sorry about that. I'm fine." You were about to tell Ann about your date but then you quickly realize that she'll tell all your friends about this. It will not be a fun time for you if that happens. The teasing will be endless. You'd rather decapitate yourself than put yourself in that kind of emotional torture. Technically, you are putting yourself in emotional torture right now by taking this girl out on a date, so you're just being a huge hypocrite.

She leans closer to your face. "Sure. I'm supposed to believe that when you look like you saw a ghost tried to murder your family or something." The look in her eyes shine of suspicion. You know it to yourself that she won't get off your back, you still try anyway.

"Seriously, Ann. I'm okay. I was just a little surprised to why you're here." It's partially true, you do wonder why she's here. I mean unless someone told her, oh fuck what if someone told her. It was Futaba wasn't it? You are going to kill that piece of shit.

Ann senses you mentally beating yourself up and she hits you upside the skull. You let out an "ouch" followed by you rubbing the sore spot on your head.

She rolls her eyes at you, crossing her arms knowingly. "Yeah, Futaba told me about your date." Hearing the confirmation is worse than when you first thought of it. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Promise."

You know for a fact that she can and will tell everyone about this! You shouldn't believe her that easily.

You believe her that easily. "Alright. What are you going to do?"

She glares at you, like you're the one who did something wrong. Which, to be honest, is totally fair. "Ren, are you this dumb? Obviously, I'm going to help you get dressed, idiot."

Yes. Hell yes. Hell fucking yes.

After that hellishly long makeover session, you look at yourself in the mirror. Holy shit. You look at your shirt and it's cute, has a cat symbol on it and it hangs off your shoulders nicely. Your shorts are long enough to almost reach your knees, but damn, it fits you like a glove. You look... good. For once in your sad life, you see yourself in a new light. It makes you smile. Like, an actual, genuine smile.

Ann claps both her hands together which makes you startle. You turn to her. She's smiling too, satisfied.

"Well, I did my part. Now it's time to do yours." She states. "Don't mess this up, Ren."

"I won't." You're sure of that.

She smiles at you one last time before she grabs her things and leaves the room. You wave goodbye as she walks home.

The day of the date comes hurdling towards you. You quickly bolt up from your seat and text Hamuko just to see if she remembers.

6:12 AM
HAM: Hey!!
HAM: You're going, right? You aren't bailing on me at the last minute, are you?
RENPOP: no no thatd be shitty of me
RENPOP: like hella shitty
HAM: Damn right.
HAM: I'll see you there?
RENPOP: yeah ofc
HAM: Great!
HAM: I've got to get ready now.
RENPOP: cool cool
HAM: Yeah?
HAM: Oh my god.
RENPOP: shit im sorry
HAM: Ren, you are fucking adorable.
HAM: <333
RENPOP: ajshdhrkfhsk
HAM: Lol.
HAM: I really have to go now.
RENPOP: yeah yeah
HAM: Bye!!!

You grin. Yeah, today is going to be great.

NOTES: I got lazy writing the actual date so this is all you're going to get. Sorry ya'll, I'm not interested in Persona that much anymore. Homestuck is my main fandom now. Until then, this is my last update. Bye!

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