I Gotchu Fam

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Note: I'll be alternating between Yu and Souji, so you know that this one is gonna be Souji. Also, cringey title = cringey story.
It was summer, and everyone was hanging out with each other. They were all on the beach, The Phantom Thieves, Investigation Team, and the S.E.E.S.. Hamuko saw that Minato and Souji spent a lot of time with each other on the beach, and it was just the first hour.

"Hehe, today I'll be playing matchmaker~" Hamuko giggled, she blushed at the thought that her brother would get together with Souji. She was what you would call, an otaku.

She walked towards the only otaku she knew, Futaba Sakura.
"Hey Futaba! I know you ship Minato X Souji, so would you mind helping me pair them up today?" Hamuko gave a little smirk as Futaba just stared dead into Hamuko's eyes. She dropped her ice cream cone.
"Hell yeah! Let's work together, I'm sure your brother will thank you!" They started giggling at the thought. What weebs.
Minato's P.O.V.

What the hell are they talking about? My sister and Futaba is never a good thing. I'm pretty sure they're going to rule the world or something, or PLANNING to. I don't want to think about it.
"Hey Minato, I didn't think you'd actually come out of your shell and go to the beach to socialize with us! Thank you though!" Souji smiled. Oh God, am I blushing!? Why does this happen!?
Wait........... did I hear that correctly? He chuckled....... OKAY WHAT!? I'm surprised? Why are my cheeks burning???
"Why are you laughing?" Why am I asking obvious questions???? I'm so stupid...
"It's because you're cute~." Did he- DID HE JUST CALL ME CUTE!? OKAY WHAT!? HNNNNG.
Souji's P.O.V.

Did I just say 'Because you're cute'? Oh God...... Will he find out that I like him!? This is super gay. Minato just keeps a poker face all the time.... Maybe he doesn't care? Hopefully so. I don't want him to think that I like him. But..... his face is really red, maybe-, no. Probably just the sun. Yeah, it is hot out so I guess that's why.
"U-um, do you notice my sister and Futaba are together and giggling?" Wh-what? Oh wait Minato spoke, he IS right. They are together, that's never a good thing.
"Yeah. Should we tell Akira?" Okay we really should, them together is creeping me out.
I start walking towards Akira, Minato is behind me. Suddenly, Akira just popped out in front of me! He's so weird sometimes, I don't even know how he's a leader, well technically Minato is super quiet so I should question him- whatever the thing you should know is that he popped in front of us.
"Hey!-" That almost gave me a heart attack, "- Sorry......... did I scare you guys?-" ,Yeah no fucking kidding Akira, "-Haha.... Well I saw you two stare at Futaba and Hamuko. You need help?", okay I should say yes- "Yup." Minato said it for me, never mind.
"Okay well. I'll talk to Futaba!" JUST Futaba? Or? Akira sometimes is just annoying. Unlike his cat. His cat is very cute.
Akira's P.OV.

"Minato, come with me!-" He looks tired, maybe I shouldn't, oh well, "-You have to talk to Hamuko if you think they're planning to take over the world!" He stared at me dead eyed. Then nodded. Ugh, sometimes Minato gives me the creeps.
As we walked to the shore I felt Souji's glare, ohohoho, someone's jealous~, is what I would say to him if he wasn't strong. He is.
Third Person P.O.V.

As Minato and Akira walked to the beach shore, Hamuko and Futaba had just split up. Akira tried to catch on Futaba's jacket that she brought but, no luck. Minato didn't even try to catch Hamuko. Naoto and Rise saw, they walked up and asked what was going on.

"Hi Akira-kun! What're you doing?" Rise asked excitedly, as always.
"I see that you and Minato-senpai tried to catch Futaba and Hamuko. You both know that they are fast runners, surprisingly." Naoto said in a monotone voice, as usual.
Akira and Minato turned their heads looked at each other with a worried look. What were they planning? they thought.
"Ah- well, we kinda-" "-you kind of want to know what they were talking about? Us too!" Rise cut off Akira to finish his sentence.
"Well, yes.-" Minato stated "-They are very suspicious, I don't want to get near them, unless necessary." Minato explained. Akira nodded, yet he shrugged.
"They are good people, they're just-" "-too extravagant? Yes, I agree." Naoto also cut off Akira.
"Do you want help?" Naoto asked.
"Yes, of course." Minato agreed.
.......... Suddenly.
"Heyyyyyyyyyyyy-" Souji just slipped in "-watch'a doin'?" Souji asked.
"Oh, just being more help than you. Why?" Akira said as he watched Souji turn red with anger.

"Excuse me? What!?" Souji exclaimed.
"I mean he's not wrong senpai! You are kind of doing nothing right now....." Rise giggled.
"Hey....! He's here now right.....? Let him.... Hel..... P....." Minato said, he realized he was blushing.
"Haha.... Yeah, thanks MinMin!" Souji bushed too, and smiled. He was flirting.
"That's just a nickname though?" Naoto questioned.
"Still......." Akira pouted, head faced to the ground.
"Heehehehehehhe, well I have all the time in the world-" Rise giggled "-but I rather help you now." She stated.

Another two parter story....... Haha...... Sorry.

Edit 11/5/18: W h y ? Why did I write this way? Why did I keep switching P.O.V.'s??? That's such an ugly way of writing. Also when the fuck did Futaba become an otaku? What was wrong with my mind back then?
Edit 1/19/19: Not a two parter anymore. I'm not continuing this one shot.

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