Moving In

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Mickey POV

At Lax, with mama and waiting for a car to pick us up. Mama said he had meeting so he sent his driver to get us. Great! Now that I know he has money mama aint leaving. It crossed my mind that she might actually love him but I gotta see for myself.

When this Crytsler 300 pulled up Mama quickly gave the driver her bag and got in the car. Damn ma how long you been seeing him? But she told me get the car and I had to remember what she said to me on the plane.

I got in and the driver took the two suitcases lefted on the curb and put them in the trunk and got in and started driving. It took a mad long time to get to his house almost an whole hour. But back home it only took me ten or twenty minutes to get places.

But finally we pulled up to this big ass house it was so beautiful. He gotta be paid to be having this shit. I only seen houses like this in movies or in magazines.

This man was standing at the top of the steps smiling ear to ear. Im guessing that is Walter since mama damn near jumped out the car while it was still movin'. All I could was stand there and watch the happy couple. They were huggin and kissin it was weird so I cleared my throat really loud and the driver started laughin'. I aint see shit funny.

They pulled apart and was happy as can be and he started to speak, "Um hey umm Im Walter and its a pleasure to finally meet you." I just smiled because I honestly had nothing nice to say. It was quite for awhile.

"Would you like to see your room." he asked.

"Yes. Im tired it felt like that flight would never end." I said yawing a bit.

They laughed like I said something funny. We went inside and it was nothing like the outside. It was better. Walter said that theres a movie thingy in the basement and a pool outback. The first floor had all the basics : living room with a big ass t.v, dining room with big ass table, kitchen even bigger. He said that the second for had his and mama room on it and the rest was guest rooms. But I was shocked when he said I had the third floor to myself.

As much as I wanted to not like him it was impossible. He was way better than mama last boyfriend. When I finally reached the third floor all my things were in a room at the end of the hall. Just the room I wanted. My bed was made and all my shit was put away for me. I had my own bathroom!!! Shower and everything. I took a shower and found some underwear and got in the bed. It was so comfortable. I fell asleep in a couple of minutes.


Walter did not say nothing bout us moving this much shit. I mean who the fuck has this many boxes of shoes. Anything with blue tape went to the third floor and anything with black went in his room. The rest stay down stairs.

He wouldn't tell us who was moving in with him. He said that we gonna find out later on. But when we finish we can do whatever. That is exactly what I did too. I stripped down to my boxers and hopped my ass right in that pool. It was cold as hell but it felt good after like 30 seconds.

Prince and Prod did the same thing but Ray Ray just put his feet in. I guess he didn't want to sink again and have to walk all the way over to the shallow end again.

After like 30 minutes we got out and was sitting on the edge of the pool with Ray Ray. "Who yall think moved in with Walter."I asked.

"I don't know." Prod said.

Prince and Ray Ray just shrugged their shoulders.

But with our backs turned to the from the house we all heard it.

"You gotta be fucking playin. This is some bullshit."

It came from inside the house so we ran in the kitchen to see Mickey and her mother arguing.

"Ma you cant be serious. What the hell am Im pose to do out here? Ima die." Mickey yelled sitting on the counter in some black sweat pants and a big ass t-shirt. She had her hair in a pony tail and she never really wore make-up.

"What did I tell you. No more radio. You bout to graduate and you going to college." her mother yelled back going through the fridge.

"But I need the money. My car dont pay for itself. And I need tuition money." Mickey really did miss talking on the radio and its only been one day.

"I said no." her mother said. "Ima take care of your car but for right now my answer is no." She turned and look up at us just standing there. "Hey boys."

Then Mickey turned around and mumble under her breath. Her mother must had heard he because she pinched Mickey's arm.

"Hey Ms...." Prince said.

"Ms. Jones. Why yall here?" Mickey said.

"Well Walter asked us to move some things and Im guessing all that stuff was yours." Prod said.

Mickey shook her head and and left out the kitchen. While she was walking away I was staring because she was walking cute as hell without even trying.

Ms.Jones started laughing at us. Well me, Prince and Prod. "Where yall clothes?!" We ran like a couple of girls to go get our clothes back on.

We came back and Ray Ray and Ms.Jones were talking about school. We all were home schooled so I dont know why he was talking about anything. Then she said something about Mickey.

"She just rey start being home schooled too." she said. 

"For real." I said.

"Yeah she prolly stay out of trouble then." Ms. Jones said. What she mean by trouble Mickey seem like she real sweet and innocent. Maybe not. I was still thinking about the whole whiplash thing.

Walter came in the kitchen and started hugging Ms.Jones.

"Oooooo." Ray said. "Yall go together."

We started laughing because this that shit that we thought would never happen. But I was happy for Walt. Now he can stay out my business.

Mickey came in and rolled her eyes at the sight of us still here.

Mickey POV

Why they still here? I know they got their own house. And mama talking to them like they known eachother for years. In here chuckling up a fucking storm.

"Mama when am I gonna get my car back?"

I miss my baby. They told me tomarr so i guess Ima have to wait. I went in the fridge to get something to eat. I found a taco and I heard Walter ask my mama something.

"Did you tell her yet?" he said.

She shook her head. I put the taco in the microwave. "Tell me what?"

She aint even say nothing just started humming. Walter laughed and told me.

"The boys staying here and you gonna be home schooled along with them."

Why tf is this happening. I didn't say anything. I got my taco out and left out and went to my new cell.

Ray Ray yell after me, "That was mine!"

"So tf what?!" I ran upstairs and ate.

I need to get outta here. They really movin in here . Long as they stay off my floor Im good.

But I gotta be home schooled now. I don't mind but I be home schooled with them.

Moving in here is the worst.

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