At least it was a happy ending?

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Another day without Myles again. This relationship felt more like a chore and honestly I couldn't enjoy it anymore. I missed the excitement of the first kiss, the rush when you catch him staring at you, and the constant need to be by his side. I don't feel like that with Myles anymore, and it hurts to admit it. It hurts to say. When Fran died he changed, of course I understand this, but it began to effect me. It effected our relationship and we slowly drifted but I wish things didn't change.

Last night with Devon took my mind off things for sure, we got drunk and smoked in the alley but he wouldn't let me go near any girls; he says it would be ' disrespectful to Briar', which is true. Not seeing her, it hurts but I don't know what to do, hell I haven't spoken to her in weeks. I miss her so much.

A few days later

It was weird today, seeing Briar walking down the street. I didn't go over to her, but I wanted to. I wanted to fix things and apologise for dragging her down with me. At first she helped me through it, but then I turned to alcohol and drugs and it changed me. I didn't want to change her. I wish I could go up to her and hug her, tell her I can change. I know I could if I had her back and if God gave me that second chance I wouldn't take her for granted.

I lay still on my bed watching the clock, staying up so it felt like it was taking longer for another dreaded day to arrive. I knew if I fell asleep it would fly by, but staying up counting the seconds made it feel longer. I picked up my phone and started listening to a song on spotify, and the words meant so much to me. I began to cry softly as the words hit me like knives, suddenly interrupted by my phone ringing. It.. it was Myles?
I answered the call and it was silent, not an awkward silence, just silence.
'I don't know why I called', said Myles. I smiled at the sound of his voice.

Hours later

Hearing that beautiful laugh warmed my heart, after talking for hours we had cried and laughed and talked together, making amends just like I hoped. I phoned her  accidentally, but will I tell her? No. That phone call saved me, us. And I won't take it for granted again.

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