My name is George

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I am not normal, now don’t jump to conclusions and judge me, think ok so this is a story about a mentally insane kid, or he just thinks he has problems when in reality no-one likes him because he’s a nerd, or whatever. No I’m actually being serious, I’m an alien.


No I was born with a gift, a special gift, well actually not really, I can’t do much with it, but it makes me, me. Understand?

Anyway, my parents think that it was sign from God, that there was a reason for my gift and someday something amazing will happen, but for now I’ll keep it a secret, you know for my own ‘protection’ or whatever. I don’t know my parents said it was for the best, they told me that ‘people’ would come after me, want to use me, test me, do experiments on me, yada, yada, ya, you know all the scientific stuff.

And to keep it a secret is hard and the older I get and the more I keep them away the more it hurts.

Yes I said them.

Look I’ll give you a hint, it’s something on me.

Not enough, well, they’re on my back, their big, and they’re Golden.

Give up?

Their wings.

Yes now go ahead and laugh, call me gay, tell me that I’m lying. But you know what I don’t care, if you can’t accept me for who I am then, there’s the door buddy, and don’t bother to look back because you won’t see me.

My name is George Wonders, I’m 18, and until recently my life has been a secret.

Over the past years, my life has been ‘easy’ I guess. Because of my small size, yes I was a small child, to hide my wings under my cloths, was no trouble. But as I turned 18 last month, I have gone through another wave of what we all call and know very well, puberty.

Yes laugh again its ok. No I am not a late bloomer, I have been working out at the gym thank you very much, because that’s what guys do, it’s in our nature.

However, only recently have I discovered that my shirts are getting to ‘small’ for me and I am in desperate need of more.

“George I can see your tummy!” My little sister giggled. I have twin siblings, they are normal, but a handful. At the age of 4 everything is very interesting for them, and if me having wings isn’t enough, trying to get them to understand that no-one can know about my ‘secret’ is frustrating, I mean it’s not like anyone would believe them anyway.

“Can you” I said sarcastically poking her stomach making her giggle. Logan then walked in wearing mum’s sunnies. I burst out laughing and picked him up, he looked cute because lets be honest they were way too big for him.

“Where did you get those Logan?”

“Mummy” he replied.

“Violet! Did you take my Sunnies?” mum called out

“No Wogan did” she said back.

“It’s Logan, with an L and what? Why would-“ but as she walked in my room and saw him in my arms  she burst out laughing and took a picture.

“Mum I am having serious problems” I told her as I put Logan down.

“Yes I can see that? Um have you got any other shirts that may be ok or something” but I was already shaking my head, “ok maybe just for now use one of your father’s shirts, then this afternoon we can get some more”

“Okay” i said taking my shirt off and walking to my parent’s room.

“Dad?” I called out.

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