George is taken

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“George? Are you ok?” I blinked a few times to try and calm down before I faced her. I turned around to see Diana standing there confused.

“What’s wrong? Why is your hand red?” she asked walked over to inspect it.

“Nothing I’m fine” I said pulling my hand away from her and kept my eyes on the ground.

“There’s clearly something going on, what’s wrong? You can tell me George, look at me” but I didn’t

“Look don’t worry about it, Brendon and i just had an argument that’s all”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“No, look I have to go ok see you Monday” I said and walked away. I could feel this aura of anger radiating off me.

I decided to let it out on a walk, but I first quickly threw my bag to dad.

“George? What’s wrong?” he asked looking up from his desk at the sudden noise of my bag banging against his desk, some of the other teachers that were in the staff room looked over too.

“I’m going for a jog, I’ll see you later” I said walking away.

“George-“ but I had already started running.

Calm down, I repeated, but I couldn’t, the cup was becoming full and was about to over flow, I was panicking and I didn’t know why. Brendon swore that he wouldn’t tell, and I knew that he wouldn’t, but what he said about Diana, he seems to think that she is doggy, but like how? Were teenagers at school….. But I’m going to be bipolar and say that she is weird, like she is always talking to her dad, and always wanting to know what I’m doing; I don’t know maybe she like’s me and just can’t help herself? Then rolling my eyes at that stupid thought. 

Ugh just shake it off George, don’t dwell on it you’re driving yourself insane. I ran a bit faster, I wasn’t sure where I was running but I knew my feet were carrying me to a place I new best. I’ve been coming here a few times now, with, with Brendon. I’m annoyed at myself for getting angry at him, he was just trying to help, he was fulfilling his role as my best friend, and I yelled at him.

I got my phone out and decided to call him. He picked up on the 3 ring.

“Brendon?” I said

“Yes” he said still clearly annoyed at me, I sighed.

“Look mate I’m sorry, I don’t quiet no why I was angry at you, I’ve been feeling weird for the past days, my wings have been sore and heavy-“

“What why didn’t you tell me? Do your parents know?” he interrupted

“No, I didn’t think it was a big issue” I said shrugging

“Well if they are hurting you should tell your dad. Maybe something is wrong?”

“I don’t know, they seem to just feel really heavy, like its real gold”

“Where are you have you got them out?”

“No, I’m at the forest”

“Well get them out and look at them, tell me if they look different”

“Ok” I said and as I was about to take my shirt off I heard something behind me.

“Hold that thought” I said to Brendon

“What? George-“

“Shhh” I said, “There’s something behind me” I said as I was about to turn around when the sound of gun like noise hit me on the shoulder.

“Ahh” I yelled dropping the phone and grabbing my left shoulder, only to reveal that it was covered in blood.

“George! George what is it?” I reached down to grab it but someone pushed me down and picked the phone up.

“Ahhh” I yelled in pain, “Who are you? What do you want?” I asked groaning as I turned over to my back.

“George!” Brendon yelled

“George can’t come to the phone right now” a man said and hung up, then threw my phone behind him. I couldn’t really see who he was because my vision was blurred, and my head was spinning, I was losing consciousness.

“George, George, George” the man said crouching down in front of me, I don’t know who he is but he looked a bit like Diana.

“Don’t you know better than to go off on your own?”

“Liam you’re making it sound like were horrible people. Lighten up a little, don’t scare the alien, we want to be friends with it” another man said coming out from the shadows laughing.

“Okay first we are horrible people and second I just shot it I don’t think it wants to be friends with us anymore”

“Our job was to get it without any problems, why did you shoot it?” 

“Well I’m sorry, Diana said that it would put up a fight, so I thought well I’ll save us half the work if I just shoot it” Diana? Are they talking about my Diana?


“Stop referring me to an alien” I groaned trying to get up but ‘Liam’ pushed me back down, I groaned.

“Sorry to burst you bubble but you are. You are not normal, there is no other human being in this world who is like you, so our job is to find ‘aliens’ and investigate them.” Liam said but I just gritted my teeth.

“Robert grab its other shoulder and let’s drag it to the car”

“Ugh why do I get the bloody side? What if it’s like contaminated or something?”

“Oh stop being a baby and hurry up”

So together they grabbed my shoulders and hurled me to my feet, me yelling and groaning in pain.

“Shut up! You will attract unwanted attention” Robert growled punching me across the head with, making my eyebrow bleed. I was too weak to fight back, my legs were being dragged across the ground and my head hung.

“Man your heavy” Liam growled

“Stop, stop we have to stop” Robert said

“We are like 5 metres away from the car” Liam said breathing hard, placing me on my knees so they could have a breather but didn’t let go of me so I didn’t fall.

“But I’m so out of breath”

“Well maybe you shouldn’t have shot me” I said which earned me another hit across the head.

“Shut up, nobody asked for your opinion” Liam said and started dragging me again. When we got to the car Liam yelled, “Diana open the door!!”

“How come she didn’t come out with us?” Robert asked

“I don’t know, maybe she feels bad for betraying her friend, that’s what I’m guessing, but she didn’t say why”

Oh so it is the Diana that I know…. I think? When the door opened, I gasped.

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