Flying time

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So after we got my shirts we were walking in a nearby forest. Yeah I know that’s so random. My father had sent me a message asking where I was, I simply told him I was at Brendon’s house, and he told me not to tell him but I guess it’s a bit late for that.

“Ok shirt off” he said holding his arm out, I gave it to him.

“Open wings and start flapping” he said and i opened them.

“I don’t know about this Brandon”

“Oh come on you chicken”

"Stop calling me that”

“I will if you do this” I groaned.

“Ok fine. Step back then” and he did getting to excited. I started flapping.

“Flap like you haven’t flapped before. Imagine you’re a bird”

“Aren’t I Already?”

“Yes now flap boy flap” so I concentrated. It’s just like walking for the first time, expect this time if I fall, I fall to my death. Up and down, up and down, just repeat that over and over, and don’t stop.

I didn’t even feel my feet come off the ground I was just so focused on flapping evenly. To say that this feel’s so surreal would be a lie, I mean everyone knows that mermaids and vampires don’t exist, but to say that an ordinary guy like me has wings, that’s just out of the question my friend, like don’t even go there. 

“Remember don’t look down!!” Brandon yelled

“Why would you say that? Now I’m going to look down!” I yelled back and like I said I looked down. Brandon looked like, an ant. No more like a leprechaun, i wasn't that high up. 

“Oh crap!” I yelled, stopped flapping and started falling instead.

“What are you doing flap you idiot” Brandon yelled, so i quickly started to but I was so disorientated and scared that I wasn’t doing it at the same time.

“George! George stop! Flap at the same time, relax man”

“I- I can’t” and just as I was about 2 metres from the ground I took a deep breath and did one massive flap before I collided with the ground and started rolling. My wings draped over me like a blanket. I then started laughing and couldn’t stop.

“George what the hell man! You’re not meant to stop flapping- wait, are you ok?” he asked lifting my wing up to see me laughing.

“Holy moly that, that was scary” I said still laughing

“Go again and this time maybe you should keep your eyes open so you can see what you’re doing” he said chuckling as I got to my feet.

“Ok. And do you know that your an idiot for saying that” I said dusting myself off.

“Well I do now”

“Oh and next you’re doing to do it with me” I said and started flapping, this time I improved heaps only there wasn’t much room between the trees as they were so close together, butI was able to get as high as them without freaking out.

When I landed Brendon whistled amazed. “Ok your turn” I said and grabbed him, then took off into the sky.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, hang on, I wasn’t ready, oh man.” He said freaking out, grabbing onto me tighter. I laughed, “Who’s the chicken now” I teased.

“I hate you”

“We haven’t even gone anywhere, were just floating” I said

“Still, just please don’t drop me, I’m valuable” I laughed

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