Testing room

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“Diana?” I said. You know that feeling you get when your favourite food drops to the ground or when your favourite book has a terrible ending? Yeah well that’s what I felt, like my heart was just squished in her small hands, completely and utterly betrayed.

“I’m so sorry George” she said crying.

“Oh quiet your crying girl and move over” Liam said

“George!” someone called out, I turned my head to see my dad and Brendon running towards us.

“Hurry up!!!” Liam yelled. I started to go against what their intentions was, suddenly using all the energy that I saved up. Diana didn’t know what to do, she wasn’t sure if she should go against these guys or help her friend.

“Let go of me!!” I growled but they simply gave my wounded shoulder an almighty smack.

“Ahh” I yelled and fell to the ground, crying out in agony.

“George! Open them!” my father yelled. Hands were going everywhere, trying to get me to my feet and in the van, fighting as my dad and Brendon were trying to get to me.

“Stop!” I yelled and sprung them open, ripping my shirt off me. Liam, Robert and Diana gasped when they were thrown back from the force of them opening. I was about jump in the air when a Taser hit me on the neck.

It was Diana, I fell to the ground twitching while she cried.

“I’m so sorry George” she said as my dad and Brendon stopped fighting against Liam and Robert when Liam pulled out the gun and pointed it to me.

“Stop or this one goes to his head”

“Please stop. What do you want from him?” dad pleaded

“Want from him? Ha nothing. I want to investigate him, he’s an alien, I want to know things about him, and he could be carrying a disease. He could be dangerous. Look I’m doing you a favour” and with that they picked me up and threw me in the van.

“NO GEORGE!!” They yelled out as I was driven away. I could do nothing except groan and moan in agony, while Diana sat there crying, ashamed of what she was doing.

“George” she said after some while. But I didn’t answer her, she sighed.

“George I understand if you don’t want to talk to me but at least let me help you, allow me to fix that shoulder” I nodded in reply, I wasn’t looking at her, I couldn’t.

I don’t know how she managed to get the bullet out, but she did and I must say, even though she did it carefully it still hurt, I yelled out.

“Sorry” she mumbled. Liam and Robert ignoring us completely.

“Dad do you have any alcohol with you?” Wait dad!!!

“Yes of course I do stupid girl” Liam said. Ok yeah I can see it now, they are alike.

“Can I have some?”

“No! What does it look like I share?” and I tried hard not to snort at that.

“Please dad it’s only a little bit”

“Alright fine, but keep it down back there, I don’t want people to hear us”

“Thanks dad” she then turned to me and said with a sorrowful look, “I’m sorry this is going to sting”.

Then without wasting time she poured it over my wound. Yeah I completely ignored what he said about being quiet because I screamed out in agony and arched my back.

“Oih shut it back there” Liam yelled

“Shhh, its ok, I’m almost done” she cooed, hands moving hundred miles an hour.

She then quickly wrapped a bandage around my shoulder. I winced when she pulled it tight.

“It’s done” she said

“You’ve had some experience in this area I see” I mumbled trying to sit up but the moving of the car made it hard.

“Just stay lying down, and yes, I have” she said looking down at the ground. We then came to a sudden halt and she fell forward on me, I grunted at the sudden halt.  

“Sorry” she mumbled and I glanced at her eyes before looking away. I felt her hands move from my chest before the door was brutally opened.

“Out!” a man demanded, but I decided to take my time, which probably wasn’t the best idea as they then grabbed me and yanked me out, I moaned.

“You were taking too long”

“Not my fault that my shoulder is wounded” I mumbled but they heard me and wacked me, causing my head to fall to the side, Diana flinched at the sudden motion.

“Shut up or it gets worse” he warned. Then to make sure that I don’t fly away they strapped this metal wire around, really tightly I might add, it made my skin go red; yep I’ll be bleeding by the end of this.

“Gees does it have to be so tight?” I grunted

“Well we don’t want to you flying away now do we?” he said with a voice of sarcasm. They dragged me to a big building and into a room where there were lots of rooms and lots of machines and lots of people. They all gasped in my direction but continued with their own work.

A young boy, about 10, came over to us, eyeing me unsure.

“Josh there you are have you got the needles ordered?” Liam asked

“Yes sir” he replied quietly holding them out. He snatched them from him and pushed him aside, Diana grabbed him and held him close to her.

“Where do we take him first?” Robert asked

“Testing room, let’s see how strong he is?” Liam smirked

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