Monsters in my mind

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I can't sleep....Thoughts running through my head, these are my nightmares when I'm awake and I can't stop the monsters inside of my head talking. Cat looks so peaceful while she's breathing sweetly in my face but even she can't stop the voices in my head. Maybe they are right, maybe I should of just kept on driving and never stopped here. I listened to them before and they got me into deep, deep trouble that I never want cat to find out about. My entire life is one big fucked up mess. Tears start to form in my eyes... man up Puckett, I'm no daffodil. Shit I'm talking out loud!!!!!
Cat is laying there eyes wide open just staring at me! Shit what if she heard everything, I love the girl more than life itself but I don't want to have to explain my deepest darkest secret to her. She's so vulnerable and sweet and will never be ready to hear anything like that.
'Why you crying sam?' Asked cat
'It's nothing cupcake, go back to sleep' I say playing with her amazing red curly hair and smoothing her cheek.
Cat shoots up and is just staring at me. This chick ain't stupid and is clearly a really light sleeper! She obviously heard every word! God damn it Puckett, why don't you ever think!
'What can't you tell me sam?' Quizzed cat
'I must of been sleep talking kid, don't worry your pretty little head over it ok!' I said in the hope she would believe me.
'Sam! Shut your puck hole! I know when your hurting, I feel it too! Right here in my heart' cat says putting her hand to her chest.
That broke me! I'm already hurting her without even trying! Samantha Puckett, your the monster!
I look cat in the eyes.
'Go back to sleep, it's late and you have school in the morning!'
'I can't sleep when I feel your pain! Tell me sam, tell me what you hide deep down!' Cat begged
'I'm not good at this talking shiz cat' I muttered while stroking her face. I was going to have to come up with some bullshit story and fast, something she would believe, something I've never spoke to her about before.
'I can help you!' Cat said wiping the remaining tears from my cheeks.
I look into her eyes and place a tender kiss on her lips, they taste so sweet just like her. She could never help me. Nobody can help me!
I pull away from cat but she latches her lips straight back on to mine with her tongue rolling along my bottom lip asking for entry. I open my mouth slightly and our tongues crash into each other. This is the most magical feeling I've ever felt, while cat is attached to me I hear no monsters. Maybe she can help me.
This kiss is lasting forever and I never want it to end! I feel my hands move on to cats perfect body. She didn't push me away! I start slowly kissing down her face to her neck. I think I'm sending shockwaves through her body, she just keeps jerking and moaning! Mama likes I think to myself! I move my hands up and down her body just to test the waters, see if she really wants this and she doesn't pull away. I feel her fingers tangle up in my hair, this is really going to happen! I start to kiss further down, the heat between my legs is burning for this piece of perfection. All of a sudden my head gets ripped upwards.
'No more unless you tell me.' Cat said sternly
This kid may act dumb but she maybe the smartest person I've ever met!
'That's not fair cupcake, I need you!' I cry out desperately.
'Nope! Not happening!' Cat laughed 'tell me or I'll never make you bacon again!'
'Geez kid!' I laughed 'go to sleep and we will talk tomorrow'
Cat snuggles back into my arm and drifts off to sleep. This is gunna be one long night! I have thoughts of me kissing cats body going round one side of my mind and I'm trying to make up a story that she will believe with the other. How hard can it be?

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