Mac and cheese and cheese and cheese and cheese

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I can't believe Nona just caught me about to fuck her granddaughters brains out! She sure has great fucking timing! Stupid old woman!
Don't get me wrong she's ok sometimes like when she comes here to cook and do our laundry but apart from that she really pisses me off!
'Come see wiley!' Cat says to Nona
'Yeah, then leave!' I say
I think she's learned to ignore me now, she never responds when I abuse her which pisses me off even more!
'Oh no I don't want to be any trouble!' Nona says
She only came here to cause trouble, she often just turns up and causes problems!
'Then leave!' I say pointing towards the door
Cat and Nona roll their eyes at me! I'm not happy she came here, interrupted mine and cat's night, and is just sat on the sofa not moving even though she insists she doesn't want to be any trouble!
'Hey Nona! You hungry?' Cat asks
'Whyyyyyyy?' I shout
'Yes, I am slightly hungry!' Nona replies ignoring me
'Want me to cook you some mac and cheese?' Cat asks
Nona and I just look at each other. Cats mac and cheese is like eating super glue!
'Cat honey! How about I make my famous mac and cheese with four kinds of cheeses for us all? I call it mac and cheese and cheese and cheese and cheese!' Nona replies
'Ok if your cooking you can stay but when you've cooked, washed the dishes, cleaned the kitchen and done my laundry you can leave!' I say
'Oh sam, your such a hoot!' Nona laughs loudly
As she laughs Wiley starts to cry!
'Nice one Nona! Now you've woke the baby!' I say while I storm off to get him!
She knew what she was doing! Offering to cook me food to sweeten me up! This is why I hate old people, they think they know everything and have really bad timing!
cat walks into the bedroom and sits on my bed
'Don't be angry with Nona!' She begs
'She knew what she was doing cat! She came here just as I was about to slip my fingers inside you, tried to sweeten me up with food and woke the baby on purpose! Couldn't she of just came over tomorrow? I wanted the apartment to just be me and you tonight!' I moan
'I know but she's my Nona, you know what she's like!' Cat says
'Yeah nutty fucking Nona!' I say really wanting to have a tantrum!
'I'll make Wiley a bottle, you change his diaper then Nona can see him and leave.' Cat says
'Not a chance! She promised me mac and cheese and that she would do my laundry! I hope she can multitask!' I moan
Cat walks away laughing with my four baskets of laundry.
I take Wiley into the living room and sit on the sofa with a face like a monkeys ass just watching the tv.
'Oh the baby is awake!' Nona shouts from the kitchen
'No way! I wonder how he woke up?' I shout back
'Nona's coming to see him!' She says
'Nona's cooking and doing my laundry first!' I shout
'Sam, why do I have a feeling you only have me here so you can use me as your maid?' Nona asks
'Why do I have a feeling that you only come here to piss me off and use our apartment as a hotel?' I ask back
Cat just looks at me and laughs
'I can't defend you anymore Nona! Sam's right!' Cat laughs
Nona goes back to doing my laundry.
'I want you out of here by midnight! You can come back tomorrow afternoon!' I say
Nona comes in from the kitchen
'That's nice of you sam! Let's bump butts!' Nona laughs
'Oh god I'm not bumping butts with you, you crazy old bag!' I say with disgust!
I turn back to watch the tv. Cat hands me Wiley's bottle and I'm trying to relax.
Nona's still in the kitchen talking to cat about a big thermometer she seen while on a day trip. All of a sudden she starts singing a song she made up about this big thermometer.
'Hey there big thermometer,
Mometer, mometer,
Hey there big thermometer,
Your so large!'
I give cat a glance!
'I'm off to bed and taking Wiley with me! Let me know when that annoying elderly nutcase has left!' I shout
'But what about Mac and cheese and cheese and cheese and cheese?' Nona shouts
'Stick it up your....'
Cat interrupts me.
'Bye Nona!' I shout and slam the bedroom door!
Oh my god that woman knows how to press all my buttons! I know she will still come back tomorrow and do it all again! Now I'm really pissed off! I feed Wiley the rest of his bottle and change his diaper, put him back to sleep and go to sleep myself.
It feels as if I've been asleep 5 minutes when cat is waking me up.
'Sam! Sam!' She's whispering
'Has that elderly old bat gone yet?' I yawn
'Yeah, but quick, come see this!' She says running out of the bedroom.
I yawn and follow her wondering what mystery she has to show me this time! Last time she woke me up like this there were two ants having sex outside! She better not of got mama up for something stupid!
I see cat popping her head of of the front door waving her arm for me to come over.
'What is it?' I ask
'Look!' She says
I poke my head out of the door and look around, it's Melanie and Freddie! Oh wow, they are kissing like they want to fuck each other! Freddie has his hands on my sisters ass and my sister has Freddie by the hair pulling it! They really like each other!
I quietly close the door.
'Mama is an excellent match maker if I do say so myself!' I laugh
'What's going on out there now?' Cat asks
'Get your earplugs ready cat, they're gunna have fun on our sofa tonight!' I laugh

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