Pam puckett? Thats my mom?

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I wake up in a panic! I look around the room and everything is quiet. Cat is sleeping soundly by the side of me. I climb out of bed to check on Wiley, he's been sleeping a good few hours and that's not like him. I get to his crib and he's gone! Melanie must of taken him for us to sleep! I walk to check on Melanie and she's sound asleep on the sofa. Where the fuck is my baby?
'MELANIE!!!! WILEY'S GONE!' I scream
Melanie just opens one eye looking at me stupid!
'Sam he can't walk! Where would he go!' She says tiredly
I run to wake cat up!
'Cat quick Wiley's Gone!' I shout
Cat shoots out of bed and runs to his crib!
'OH MY GOD! WHAT DO WE DO?' Cat screams
Melanie comes running in her face as white as a sheet!
'The front door is open! Someone's been here!' She says trying to remain calm
'For fuck sake, someone call 911!' I scream
So I'm screaming sitting on the floor holding Wiley's blanket and Melanie is on the phone to the cops and cat is just looking around, what the fuck is she doing? Why isn't she panicking like a normal person?
'Sam, whoever took Wiley took his milk, his bottles and his car seat!' Cat cries
Maybe it pays to act calmly because I didn't even notice anything was gone apart from my baby!
How did anyone get in? All the windows and doors were locked! I run to the front door and check out the lock on the outside, someone picked the lock just to steal my baby!
The cops arrive and I'm a blubbering mess! They take fingerprints off the door, Wiley's crib and our bedroom door handle.
Officers are staying in our house and rigged up all equipment incase someone comes or calls with any info about my son!
'Miss puckett, I have to inform you that news is spreading about your son, a load of media will be outside shortly, it's up to you if you want to talk.' An officer says to me
'Will it help find him?' I ask
'The more publicity you get the better the chances. In the next couple of hours we will have the fingerprints back and then we can proceed the search.' The officer says
'Proceed the search? You can't stop looking for him!' I cry
'We haven't, we have every cop in the state looking but until we have the fingerprint evidence we can't be sure, all baby's pretty much look the same, it's a lot harder to search for a newborn!' He assures me
'Please just find my son!' I scream
Cat and Melanie are trying to calm me down but how can they calm me down when they are just as bad as me? Cat has cracked at this point and is no longer calm, she's a maniac!
Melanie grabs me into her arms and just holds me. All those thoughts that were going through my head last night, about how he'd be better off without me, I can't do anything with him, they were all false! I didn't realise how much it would break me if he went and now it's happened I'm broken! I can't take back my thoughts but I'd give my life to erase them and have him back here!
Media start pulling up outside.
'I'm not sure I'm ready to talk to anyone, I can't face it.' I sob
'Let me be you and I'll do it!' Melanie said
'What? You'd do that?' I ask
'Course I would! He's my nephew and I'd do anything for him and if it means he's closer to being found all the better!' She says
'Thanks Mel! I love you!' I sob
So Melanie runs to change into my clothes and scruffs her hair up, it's amazing how identical we actually look when she grunges down to my standards!
Melanie walks outside and gives an interview for every news station in the country. She's actually good at being me, and everything she said is exactly what I would of said!
An officer comes running over
'Miss Puckett we have an identity of the finger prints. Has a Pam Puckett ever been to your home?' He asks
'Pam puckett? That's my mom? No she's never been here!' I say dumbfounded
My mother has kidnapped my son! I feel rage seer through my entire body! My face turns red, I'm gritting my teeth and my fists clench harder than they've ever clenched before! My mom of all people! I bet Carly had something do do with this too! I can't believe I'm saying this about her but after everything she has the motive!
I tell the cop everything, my background history with my mother all leading up to the last time I saw her at the hospital! He writes everything down and rings the station to inform them to carry out the search for Pam Puckett and Carly shay.
I can't believe they were so stupid! The most messiest thieves ever! Didn't even wear gloves when breaking into my apartment, that's like the number one rule when lock picking! I've done a lot of bad things in my time and wasn't even that messy when I was 4!
'Sam? Is it true? Mom stole Wiley?' Melanie run in screaming
'What? Your mom stole the baby?' Cat screeched from the kitchen
'Well it's her fingerprints on the door!' I say sadly back
'I'm going to kill her!' Melanie raged 

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