Have i been good?

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RATED M!!!!!!!!!
Serious mature content

Cat and I are cuddled up naked in bed. I start to fall asleep until......

I walk into Carly's apartment, I must of been 14. I'm wearing the tightest jeans and lowest cut top I could find!
I walk in and see Spencer making a sculpture in the corner.
'Where's carly?' I ask Spencer
'Out with Gibby and Freddie' Spencer replied
'Oh, they didn't invite me!' I say disappointed
'Yeah, told them I seen you at the store and you were going with your mom for her monthly std check!' Laughed Spencer
'Why would you do that?' I shout
'Because! You don't deserve fuck all! Maybe when you listen and do as I ask then I'll let you have some fun!' He shouted back
I just stand there with my head held low, he knows how to make me feel like shit! I need to impress him so he never does this to me again!
I get on my knees in front of him and undo his jeans, go into his boxers and pull out his cock and slowly start to play with it with my tongue
'There's a good girl!' Spencer said patting me on the head
I just look up at him with eyes that just want to please, Why I want to please him so bad I don't know!
'Go to my room, you know what to do!' Spencer demanded
I walk to Spencer's room, i strip off completely naked, I shaved my pussy the way he likes last night, I hope he likes it!
I go to the corner of his room and go under the floor boards to get out his handcuffs, rope and whip and sit patiently on the bed waiting.... waiting for Spencer to abuse me!
I know it's wrong but if Spencer thinks it's right it must be? I don't want to do this, but why do I keep coming back for more? I must love him I thought to myself!
Spencer marches in.
'Good girl princess!' He said in a rewarding voice
I know not to speak, I'll only get hurt if I speak, but I love him so it's ok!
I already know what to do, this is usually a daily occurrence maybe more if Carly isn't around!
I lay on the bed while Spencer handcuffs my arms to the top of the bed. I lay there not making a sound. He takes the rope and ties my feet to each corner of the bed making sure my legs are spread.
'I have a new game for us to play today.' Spencer said
I just look, I know he wants me to speak so he can use the whip on me. I don't like new games, my eyes fill with dread!
'It's ok my beautiful princess, it won't hurt much, I'm just going to play with electric.... I'm going to electrocute you... slowly!' He laughed
I wanted to cry! Don't cry puckett this is what two people who love each other do, Spencer told you that himself! He only does this to me so it's special.
I look at Spencer, my eyes full of fear. I'm completely naked and tied up so there's nothing I can do but I'm petrified!
When this all began Spencer didn't hurt me, he would buy me nice gifts, not things he could electrocute me with!
Spencer got up and grabbed this small machine with wires and clamps attached to it. I am too afraid to open my mouth and tell him he is taking the piss!
'Just lay back beautiful, I'm going to make you feel so good!' Spencer laughed
I knew he was lying! He always says things like this!
He attaches two clamps to my nipples and turns on the machine.
Holy fuck this hurts! Don't scream sam, please don't scream! My eyes wince with pain but I remain silent. He takes them off my nipples and moves down to my clit, he attaches two onto that one small space. He turns the machine on as high as it will go...
'For fuck sake spencer!' I scream 'turn it off! Please turn it off!'
Shit I just spoke! I'm such a fucking idiot!
'Well look who thinks she's a big girl!'laughed spencer
He turns to get his whip. I knew this would happen!
Ouch! Ouch! OUCH!! He's whipping me where he just electrocuted me! The pain is agony but I've learned my lesson, don't speak!
Tears stream down my cheeks. Spencer stops and wipes the tears from my eyes.
'I'm sorry baby! It was just a game! I know you love me because you let me play these games! I love you!' Spencer said
'I love you too!' I sob back at him
Spencer kisses me and works his way down to kiss everywhere he's just hurt to make it better.
I'm still tied up and Spencer comes up to my face with his cock, I open my mouth, I already know what's coming! He starts fucking my mouth violently, I'm choking and gagging!
He unties me and I climb on top of him, taking almost every inch of him, this is where he makes me feel loved! I wait for him to cum and climb off, I start sucking his cock to clean him up.
'That's a good girl, now swallow!' Spencer demanded
I hated this part but did it in fear of that electric thing!
'Have I been good?' I ask
'Good enough! You may now go out with your friends! Your staying here tonight for round 2!' Spencer demanded
'Ok' I said with happiness and dread
I got my clothes on and left


I jump up sweating and panting like I've just been held underwater and nobody would let me back up.
'Sam??? You ok?' Cat panicks
'Fuck! Cat? Can I borrow your nightlight?' I cry while tears are rolling down my cheeks.

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