Let me be you and ill go!

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This chapter is once again dedicated to my critique Juliet 💖

I sat just looking at Melanie. She's my sister, I knew her so well, now I feel like I don't know her at all. She knows me though, like the back of her hand obviously! I was just about to open my mouth when......

I'm at home in Seattle, I'm in my bedroom with Melanie, we must of been 10 years old sitting on the floor playing with dolls the neighbours gave us, we didn't have any other toys! My mom stumbles in drunk and comes in to our room. She kisses Melanie on the head and slaps me across mine! I've always known she's hated me and worshipped my sister, Melanie knows it too, that's why we stick together and then nobody could hurt us! She's the brains and I'm the strength and together we are indestructible!
'Sam are you ok?' Melanie asks
'You know it doesn't hurt anymore!' I say back
Melanie grabs me and I grab her!
'Want to be me?' Melanie asks
We sometimes switch so I can have some love off my mom like my sister does, Melanie hates the way my mom treats me!
'No it's ok, there's some dude hanging around outside, think it's our time to leave!' I laugh
We both look at each other and giggle. We know when a dude is hanging around outside mom wants 'quiet time'. We sometimes sit and see what the guys look like to see which one could be our dad, but none come back twice so we worked out that it's none of them!
We walk outside to the mailbox and Melanie opens it
'Expecting something?' I ask
'Don't be stupid! I'm just checking!' She shouts
There's a letter in there for her!
'What's that?' I ask
'Nothing!' She screams as she runs back to the house with the letter
She knows what it is! She opens it and she's won a scholarship to the most fanciest boarding school in the country
'You know about this!' I scream
'Sam I didn't think I'd get it I promise!' Melanie cries
'Your leaving me! Your leaving me with her!'I cry 'let me be you and I'll go!'
' You know we can't do that sam!' She says
Melanie runs to my mom screaming that she got in! Even my mom knew about it! How can she even think about leaving me with her? Perfect princess Puckett!
I just sit in the corner and cry! I don't want my sister to go! I love my sister! We're both in this together! How could she?


'Sam? Sam? You ok?' Melanie mutters
'Yeah yeah I'm fine' I say adjusting my eyes!
What's with all the fucking flashbacks lately? Geez! I feel like I'm 10 again!
'Puckle?' Cat whispered
'Yeah? Oh yeah Melanie!' I groan
I don't want to be telling anyone all this shit! Cat already knew, I told Carly, that's enough people! Cat and her big fucking mouth dropping me in it even further!
'Yeah..... I'm pregnant! Surprise!' I laugh
'Not funny sam! What is going through your head! You've changed sam!' Melanie shouted
'Yeah changed and for good reasons!' Cat shouts back
That girl always has my back! I could kiss her face off right now!
'Yeah I have my reasons smelly Melanie!' I shout
'Then tell me!' Melanie begged
This is it, I'm gunna have to tell her!
'I was raped!' I cry
'By who?' Melanie asks shocked
'Spencer!' I cry
'Spencer? As in Spencer shay? I told you he was bad news sam!' Melanie said
'Why would you think he's bad news?' Cat asks curiously
'Just before I left for school, he tried to touch me in places a 10 year old should never be touched in!' Melanie cries
'Mel..... he did the same to me! It lasted until I came here! He came and found me and then raped me and kidnapped cat!' I sob with tears rolling down my cheeks that just wouldn't stop!
Cat is just sitting there looking out of place. I look at her and wink just to tell her it's ok.
'I'm just gunna go get a tubba chicken!' Cat says awkwardly
'CAT!' I shout
'Yeah not nuggets, make sure it's pucks!' She giggled
'That's my girl!' I manage to laugh as cat walks out the door
I'm alone with my sister and we just look at each other!
'Sam I'm so sorry! If I'd of known I'd never of gone!' Melanie cried
'I'd rather it happen to me! You were safer there, I see it now!' Still the tears were flowing
'Don't say that!' Said Melanie
'It's true! I dealt with mom, who passed out at any opportunity, when I managed to make her come round she beat me. I dealt with Spencer, every time I tried to escape mom the only place I could escape to was Carly and he was always there! You were safer away from it all! I hated you for it but now I see!' I cried even more
'I'm so sorry sam!' Melanie sobbed
We just stared at each other and grabbed each other just like we did when we were 10! It felt amazing to have my sister back!
'So this baby?' Melanie asks
'It's staying where it is!' I say
'Why? Your so young!' Melanie said wiping the tears from her eyes
'I was pregnant when I was 15. Spencer made me kill my baby! I'm not making that mistake ever again!' I murmur
Melanie grabs me into the biggest hug and I hug her back! My sister, my best friend, she's back!
With that cat walks in with a tubba chicken and places it in my lap. I take one look at the chicken pucks and run to throw up.

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