Your gunna pay for that puckett

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I must of fallen asleep, my eyes sting from crying. What have I become? I turn to see cat still sleeping, she looks the most peaceful I've seen her in weeks! I have to go see Spencer today, he humiliated me in front of cat and for that he has to pay! I ain't the daffodil I've been acting over the past couple of days, I'm sam Puckett, thing have to change!
Cat hasn't gone to school again today, I can't keep doing this to her she needs to go.
'Cat, wake up!'
'Wha.... morning!' Cat says not knowing where she is
'I have to go see Spencer! Nobody manipulates me and gets away with it!'
'Why sam? After everything you said last night I thought he'd be the last person you'd wanna see?' Questioned cat
'Cupcake it's something I have to do, I'll feel better after it I promise!'
'Want me to come with you?' Asked cat
'No thanks baby, it's something I have to do alone.'
I can't have cat come with me, she's too innocent to see what's gunna happen to him.
I get dressed and leave to go to the hotel Spencer's staying in. All I can think about is mutilating the boy, hurting him so bad he will almost feel how much he hurt me! The more I walk the angrier I get!
I get to the hotel and all the anger shrivels away, I'm shitting my pants! I know how this man can manipulate me!
'Um im looking for Spencer shay?' I say the the reception desk
'Ah yes, room 305.' The lady says
I walk towards Spencer's room, this is it! This is what I've been wanting to do for a long time!
I get to room 305 and hammer on the door
'Who is it?' A voice says from behind the door
'It's the First Lady, open the fucking door Spencer!' I shout
'Sam! Drop all weapons on the floor and I'll open the door!' Spencer reply's
How did he know! I empty my pockets of everything.
'There! Now open the door!' I shout
Spencer opens the door and I walk into his hotel room. It's dark and dingy and doesn't smell too nice.
'How dare you come to my apartment like that Spencer! I've never told anyone then you go and open your mouth in front of my roommate!' I scream in his face
All of a sudden I get grabbed from behind by his crazy friend Socko!
'What the fuck Spencer!?' I shout
'I've missed you sam.' Spencer laughed stroking my face. 'I've missed everything we were about! Now with Carly gone I can have you all to myself!'
'I don't think so asshole!' I said while I spat in his face
'Your gunna pay for that Puckett!' Spencer said
Socko threw me down on the bed and ripped my clothes off.
Oh fuck what have I done?
'Your going to enjoy this sam' Spencer laughed
I just laid there while Spencer raped me, tears rolling down my cheeks. All I could think about was cat! I feel empty! How could one man over power me? I'm sam Puckett, I can take anyone down! I wait till he stops and I kick him off.
'Nice one big man but now it's my turn!' I shout while kicking Spencer and Socko down to the floor! I don't leave till they are unconscious. All my clothes are ripped to shreds, all I have is my underwear. I search around the room for something I can put on but there's nothing! I'm just gunna have to make a run for it like this!
I leave the hotel the back way and try to find the quietest route back to the apartment. It's broad daylight and don't want anyone to see me like this!
I just had to go and bust my phone up! I'm such an idiot sometimes! The one time I need cat to rescue me with clothes and there's no way of contacting her. I don't even know her number off by heart to of used Spencer's phone!
I'm running down an alley and blue lights start flashing! Oh fuck the cops! I keep running trying to get away from them but there's only so much dodging I can do in my underwear. They soon catch up and I end up in the back of the cop car
'Take me home would ya' I say 'I got mega drunk last night and lost all my clothes!'
'We're arresting you for indecent exposure and underage drinking!' The cops say
Oh for fucks sake! This is all I need after what's happened today! I can't tell the cops what Spencer did, it's two stories against one and I'll go to juvie for assault again!
I get to the cop station and they gave me a warning, thank fuck for that! They even gave me clothes and shoes! I'm not too bad at manipulating and making people feel sorry for me either!
I walk through the front door and cat is just sat looking at me!
'Sam! You've been gone hours! What's happened to you? You didn't leave looking like that!'
Poor cat is really confused. I have to tell her the truth now after everything
'Um... I got these clothes from the cop station.'
'What? Cops?' She asked
Now I've really confused her!
'I kinda got arrested, it's ok though they let me off with a warning.' I muffled out
'Oh sam! You beat Spencer up didn't you!' Cat said
'Yeah! After his friend held me down for him to rape me!' I said with tears rolling down my face
Cat just looks horrified! She just held me.

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