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Luna looked at her son Ashton as he slept in his bed, his teddy bear tucked underneath his chin.

She smiled and tip toed over to him, kissing him on the head. He stirred and flipped over and went back to sleep.

She tiptoed out of the room quietly and went to make breakfast for the two of them. After she had poured the milk and Frosted Flakes into the bowl she walked down the hall to wake up Ashton.

"Baby, breakfast is ready." She whispered, shaking her son slightly.

Ashton rolled over and opened his eyes. He stretched and yawned and got up grabbing his hulk from the toy box.

Luna smiled at her sons slight obsession with the hulk.

She walked out of his room and saw him eating his cereal.

She sat across from him and ate her cereal with him.

"Mommy, what are we doing today?" He asked, as he swallowed his bite of cereal.

"We're going to watch uncle Liam's football game." Luna answered, smiling at Ashton.

"Uncle Liam! Do you think he'll like my  hulk?!" He asked, excitedly.

"Of course he will."

"YAYYYYYYYY!" Ashton screamed and jumped down from his chair, grabbing his hulk and ran to his room.

Luna laughed and picked up her and Ashton's bowl, bringing it to the sink.

She then walked to Ashton's room, where she found him trying to put his shoes on. She left and went to her room and quickly changed.


Luna opened the door and unbuckled Ashton's seatbelt. He hopped out of the car and stood by her side and waited for his mom to lock the car.

After she locked it, the two walked together hand in hand.

Soon they reached the stadium.

Luna paid for their tickets and Ashton begged her for something from the concession stand. After the had gotten skittles and nachos from the stand they went up the stairs to their seats.

They found their seats and sat down. Ashton sat in the seat and played with his hulk while eating the skittles and nachos.

"Mommy, when are we going to see uncle Liam?" Ashton asked.

"He'll be out on the field in about five minuets and he'll come see us after the game, darling." Luna answered.

Ashton nodded and continued playing with his toys.

The game was about to start when someone sat next to Luna.

Luna looked up and was met with the eyes of a guy. A very hot guy. He had brown hair with a blonde streak in the front, and a jawline that was extremely chiseled. His eyes were hazel and his chin had a mole on it. He was gorgeous to Luna.

Before she could say anything, a little girl came out from behind the mans legs.

Ashton walked up to the girl, bringing his hulk with him.

"Hi, I'm Ashton." Ashton holds his hand out to the girl.

She shakes it shyly.

"I'm Sophia." She replied.

The two kids sat down and started giggling and talking.

Luna smiled and got her book out of her purse and began to read.

After a few minuets the game began and Luna put her book down.

Ashton and the girl he was playing with were getting along great.


It was almost the middle of the game when Luna had to go to the bathroom.

"Excuse me, do you mind watching him for five minuets I need to use the restroom." She asked the guy next to her.

"Sure, I'll watch him." He answered and smirked.

Luna got up, blushing and went to use the ladies room.

After she was done she went back to her seat and sat back down.

"Thank you so much for watching him-"


"Thank you Grayson."

"You're welcome-"


She nodded her head and tried to think of something to say and so did he.

"So what brings you and this little cutie here?" Grayson asked.

"Well, my brother plays and Ashton loves his uncle Liam. What about you?"

Grayson was taken aback. Luna was a Mom?

"Sophia likes to come here and watch her aunt Cameron cheer."

Luna was taken aback. Grayson was a Dad?

"That's cool. How old is Sophia?" Luna asked.

"She just turned five. What about Ashton?" He asked.

"He just turned five too." She smiled.

"How old were you when you had him?" Grayson asked Luna.

"I was nineteen."

"Oh I was twenty."

Sophia tapped Grayson's leg.

"Daddy that girl is really pretty." She said pointing to Luna.

"I know isn't she." He responded.

Luna blushed a deep red and looked at Ashton who was looking at her.

She smiled at him and he smiled back.

First chapter how did y'all like it?

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