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"Gray, I'm headed to the doctors." Luna leaned down and kissed his head. He was still very sleepy so he nodded and gave her a kiss before she quietly walked out the door.

It had been a week since Luna found out she was pregnant. She didn't tell Grayson because she was waiting to tell him on his birthday. Grayson still thought she was sick with a stomach bug.

Luna quietly walked into Ashton's room and kissed his head and did the same with Sophia. She exited the house and walked to her car. She turned it on and drove to her appointment.


"So how has your morning sickness and headaches been?" The doctor asked as she put the gel on Luna's stomach.

"It's been ok. My morning sickness is pretty bad but my headaches are fine."

The doctor nodded her head and wrote something down on her clipboard before placing the monitor on Luna's stomach.

"You ready?"

Luna smiled and nodded as the she looked at the screen. Her eyes watered as she saw not only one but two heartbeats on the screen.

"It looks like your almost four weeks along." The doctor said and looked closer to the screen.

"And congratulations you have twins!"


"Liam!" Luna hugged him as he hugged her back.

The two of them were at lunch together at a pizza place. Luna was going to tell Liam that she was pregnant again.

"Hey, L." Liam smiled as they both sat down.

"How has football been?" Luna asked and looked through the menu.

"It's been good, we've only lost once and if we win our next game we go to the championships."

"That's amazing Liam!"

The waiter came and took their order while Liam kept talking about seeing Ashton again.

"What's happening with you and Grayson?" Liam asked as he sipped on his drink.

"We're still together and I love him." Luna blushed as she talked about Grayson.

"Has he met mom and dad?"

"No, but mom wants us to go over for dinner and meet him."

"Mom will love him but dad is hard to get by so good luck." Liam chuckled.

"I know, I know, I think dad will like him a lot."

The pizza came and Luna chowed down on it fast. Liam watched her, amused. He had never seen her eat that much at one time.

"You feeling alright, L?"

Luna glanced up and saw Liam staring at her as she ate her pizza.

"Yeah, that's what I wanted to talk to you about."

Liam nodded his head as he set his pizza down.

"I-I um." She hesitated. She knew Liam would freak out because that's what happened last time.

"L, you can tell me anything." Liam grabbed her hand.

"Ok, I-I um, I'm pregnant with t-twins."

Liam's face dropped as he sat there and looked down. Luna mentally prepared herself for getting yelled at. Liam was extremely over protective.

It stayed quiet for a minute until Liam's head shot up and he smiled.

"Grayson's a good guy and I'm happy for you."

Luna face was shocked but it quickly turned into a smile as she pulled Liam in for a hug.

"Thank you for understanding." Luna started to tear up.

"Don't cry." Liam wiped he tears away.

"I'm just happy you understand."

Liam got up and sat next to his sister in the booth and hugged his sister.


"I'm home!"

Luna didn't hear anything and furrowed her eyebrows. Grayson's car was in the driveway so they were definitely home.

She walked up the stairs and headed to the kids room.

She looked, no one in either room. She opened her room door and saw a blankets and pillows hung everywhere. A giant fort.

"Oh my gosh."

She heard giggling inside the fort and smiled. She got on her knees and crawled through the entrance of the fort. She crawled further and went left, although there was a right tunnel. Once she turned the corner she saw a tiny foot and turned the corner.

She saw all three of them in the corner with Grayson's phone watching paw patrol.

"I leave for three hours and I come home to this?" Luna chuckled as she crawled over to them.

"We were bored." Grayson smiled and pulled Luna to him. Her head rested on his shoulder and he had his hands around her waist.

"How was the doctors?" He asked and kissed her forehead.

"She said I had a stomach bug and gave me medicine for it." Luna hated lying to Grayson but she wanted to surprise him.

Grayson nodded his head and gave her another kiss on the forehead.

She couldn't wait to tell him.

This chapter sucked but things are gonna get rocky sooooonnn.

As always thanks for reading. Love y'all.


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