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Luna was in the front seat of Grayson's car, while the two little ones were in the back. They were going to go meet Grayson's family and Luna was extremely nervous. She sat patiently in her black dress that fit her body perfectly. Her hands were playing with Grayson's hand and her eyes were on the scenery in front of her.

Grayson knew his parents were going to love her. They were excited to meet the girl that Grayson had been talking about non stop.

He looked over at Luna admiring her beauty. Her brown hair was slightly curled at the ends and her black dress made her green eyes pop. He looked back at Ashton who had gotten his mother's good looks. He had brown hair and pale skin like Luna, but his eyes were sky blue which was the only asset he hadn't gotten from Luna.

Grayson looked back into the road smiling while he thought about the gorgeous girl next to him.

After what seemed like a while they were finally at the Dolan household. Luna was freaking out as they approached the door. Ashton was holding her hand along with Sophia and Grayson was holding Sophia's other hand. They knocked and waited a few seconds until the door opened.

"Hey mom." Grayson said as he let go of Sophia's tiny hand and hugged his mom.

They pulled away and her eyes fell onto Luna.

"Hello Mrs. Dolan, I'm Luna." Luna said as she smiled.

"Oh please, call me Lisa." The women replied giving Luna a hug.

"My goodness, Grayson she's beautiful." Lisa said as she smiled at Luna.

Luna blushed and Grayson smiled. Lisa looked at Sophia and gave her a big hug while telling her how much she missed her.

"And who might this handsome boy be?" She asked as she looked at Ashton.

"This is my son, Ashton." Luna replied as Lisa smiled at her son.

She bent down to Ashton and Ashton gave her a big hug. He was always the type for hugs.

"You must be Luna." Said a voice from behind Lisa.

Luna looked up and was met with the eyes of Cameron whom she had already met but still smiled and talked to.

Soon Luna had met the whole Dolan family along with Ashton, who was talking with Ethan. Sophia was with Cameron. Grayson and Luna were having an amazing conversation with Lisa and Sean.

"So how did you two meet?" Sean asked as he sat at the table while Lisa was cooking dinner.

"We met at a football game. Her brother plays football and Cameron was cheering and we happened to sit next to each other." Grayson told them as he held Luna's hand.

"After that Grayson wouldn't stop talking about her." Ethan mentioned as he listened to the conversation.

Luna and Grayson both blushed and continued to talk. Dinner was ready and everyone sat at the table.

Lisa and Luna were both talking about the bachelor and who should win. Sean was talking to Ashton about superheroes because he had always loved reading the comics as a kid.

The three Dolan kids were talking quietly along with Sophia who was just listening.

"I think they like her." Cameron said as she watched Lisa and Luna talking.

Ethan nodded his head and looked at Grayson.

"Bro, when are you going to ask her out."

"Soon, I like her a lot. She makes me really happy and i really like Ashton he's a cool dude." Grayson replied.

"I told you you would like her." Ethan smirked to himself, because he was finally right.

"Remember to invite us to your wedding." Cameron said as she pointed at both her and Ethan.

Grayson blushed and rolled his eyes.

After everyone had finished eating, and Luna was helping Lisa with the dishes. That was until Grayson asked if he could see Luna. She dried off her hands, telling Lisa she would be right back. Lisa knew what Grayson was doing and smiled. He had finally found someone.

The two walked into the backyard and sat on the bench which looked out onto the beautiful orange and pink sky. The sun was setting. Grayson took her hands in his as they faced each other.

"I-I've wanted to ask you this for a while. I like you a lot and I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend?" Grayson asked, nervously.

Luna smiled. She had been waiting for this for so long.

"Of course I will." She said.

Grayson then leaned closer and the both of them shared a sweet, passionate kiss.

"Ewwww cooties." Ashton screamed from behind them as him and Sophia ran back inside.

Luna blushed and Grayson smirked. They both got up and Grayson gave her a long hug. He finally got the girl he wanted.


Grayson and Luna got home late. Ashton and Sophia had long ago fallen asleep in their car seats. Grayson had Ashton and Luna had Sophia. They were staying at Grayson's tonight. They walked into the house and slowly walked up the stairs, trying not to wake the kids up.

Luna pulled back the lilac colored covers of Sophia's bed and set her down carefully giving her a tiny kiss on the forehead. She then moves out of the way and Grayson set Ashton down next to Sophia and pulled the covers up, kissing his forehead along with Sophia's. Ashton stirred.

"Goodnight, daddy." Ashton said.

Grayson froze and his eyes widened as he turned to Luna. She smiled at him and Grayson smiled back. Luna walked forward and kissed Ashton's head as both the parents walked out of the room and shut it quietly behind them.

They had only stepped into Grayson's room when he started talking.

"He called me daddy." Grayson smiled and Luna gave him a big hug.

"Is it okay with you?" Luna asked as she looked up at Grayson with her chin on his chest, her arms still wrapped around his waist.

"Are you kidding, it's amazing." Grayson said as he leaned down and gave Luna a peck on her lips.

Luna's lips curved upwards and they both got ready for bed. Luna was sleeping in Grayson's sweatshirt and the shorts that she had put under her dress.

Grayson was sleeping in sweatpants and again he was shirtless.

Grayson turned off the lights and Luna cuddled up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Grayson blushed and put his arm around her.

"Goodnight beautiful."

"Goodnight gray."

Awwwwwwww and as always thanks for reading.


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